Dog Catcher

Dog Catcher

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Speaking too Soon

Well there you go, just when I was talking about how nice and calm most of my boarders are - Borgo arrived!  His owner wasn't even in the door and he bounced in with exuberance and scared Mr.P who tipped over a small table with a bunch of stuff on it and started hissing from the couch.  Thank goodness owner held on tight and Mr.P escaped to the bedroom. His owner simply said "and so it begins"  I popped the dog out in the back yard where he proceeded to protest his banishment just when things were looking exciting. Owner very good about saying if I couldn't handle him put him in kennel and she liked the size of the kennel in the porch.  I was all upside down writing on my blog and losing track of time and had been rushing about getting dressed. so it was a hectic few moments.  Having large dogs is not easy and this fellow doesn't seem to be built for speed and chasing down balls so harder to exercise him.  Tuesdays I call bingo for the inmates at the hospital so next thing we were off in the dogmobile.  I put a pinch collar on Borgo and he quit pulling and did a quicky lesson on how to walk nice and popped him into the back of the van. Thank goodness he is quiet in there as had to leave the dogs in the car while I did bingo.At home I let him run around to do his thing and he does come back which is very nice and then with all the rain he spent most of the day in the front porch. The dogs certainly like sleeping on the swing seat in there and it wasn't until nighttime that he discovered he could look through the window into the dining room ans watch me on the computer. Last call pee was the quickest I have ever seen and am not sure he did anything actually but run down and back again. Big boobie still pees like a puppy and looks so funny doing it.Hopefully it won't rain as much today and we can all go for a walk but yesterday was a tad ridiculous and I was happy to stay indoors.  Borgo should be able to be in the yard at least for a time but he seems to not like being by himself and who can blame him? He is just so big and boisterous and with the cat etc. I am not in a hurry to have him indoors although he just might settle down quickly-who knows? In any case he hasn't gotten into any trouble in the porch except for whipping my plants with his tail and they will just have to toughen up. He isn't unhappy or crying or anything so I presume all is well by him. As stated today should be a better day for him. Also I have learned Bella is coming in around 4:00 so hopefully they will get along and play themselves to sleep. The first half hour is always the most difficult as the dogs  come in a bit excited.
  Well I see the spell check has given up working and I wonder why that happens? Oh well will just have to do it the old-fashioned way to correct mistakes. In any case it looks like another interesting day with the dogs and I am glad to have this week off again.  it seems to come just in time-days off I mean. We are all coping with the water restrictions and it isn't so bad as I though it might be. I had visions of getting water from the lake but so far so good.  Thank goodness for those Village employees out there in the rain and the muck making some water available to us.  it seems ridiculous to be restricted on water with so much coming down on us.  I guess we will survive but yesterday i felt like we were about to be wiped off the map entirely.No point evenin discussing the weather as we have no control over it.apparently a bit of sunshine tomorrow maybe?? Hope so!

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