Dog Catcher

Dog Catcher

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Living To The Max

Its getting so all these blogs are running together in my mind and I am not sure what happened on what day. I have gotten very used to living with Max and now its time to go back to how things were before his arrival. Boy-oh-boy I'm gonna miss him, but that's how it goes I guess and until next time I will have to manage. So much rain we haven't done any agility for a couple of days but I am sure he won't forget. Max spent a good part of the day destroying a stuffy. Its the second one to meet its' demise at his strong little teeth and what the heck? It kept him happy and busy too, and he doesn't eat the stuffing. He and I had a long afternoon sleep on the couch. When he's going he's going and when he's out he's definitely out. Doesn't move at all. I can't say I will miss the “patter of little feet” that's far too slow for Max. He's more like the gallop of four on the floor! He really makes me think at times and has obviously been taught to “Drop It!” That's a good one as he is forever picking up non-edibles. He came by the other day and had the squeaky thing from the first stuffy he emptied and when I told him to, dropped it right at my feet. What a guy but he gave me pause when he went by the first time and squeaked it in his mouth!
I decided yesterday that we could not work on his recall unless he was loose at some point in time, so I opened the door and all three dogs went out. Max tore down to the vehicles and kept going! I thought “Oh boy! Now I've done it But I called his name and then said “Cookies” like I had the night before with Maddie and he came tearing back to me! Unbelievable! Just when you think you are not getting through to him he proves you wrong and shows you just how clever he really is –when he wants to be!
I have been doing a great deal of walking and finally my left knee is telling me about it and getting rather painful at times. One person suggested it'd the rainy cold weather doing that to me and that would be okay as the rain will one day go away and I would not even want to think of having yet another arthroscopy. The last time did a real number on me and I didn't have the stairs then that I do now.
I have a new-to-me computer coming in today and may not be able to write any more posts for a few days but I have so gotten into writing that I will be back at some point. I can't seem to get in touch with Telus and dread phoning them anyway. Apparently I will need a different wireless connector thing or something? We'll see how it goes. Although I am not looking forward to learning a whole bunch of new stuff once again once I do things should go a lot smoother? Maybe for years!!? That will be nice.
Between my writing and Max being on front street everyday he is becoming quite famous! When people stop and want to talk we say “Visit” and he knows he doesn't have to “heel” any more. People ask if “That's him?” etc. And it has all been a lot of fun. If you want to stay young just get a JR! They really enjoy life to the...well ,,Max! I must say it has been a very unusual two weeks living with Maximilian Jack Russell! That's it for now,hope you have enjoyed his stories!! JMD

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