Dog Catcher

Dog Catcher

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Borgos Day

Without a bunch of rain to deal with we had a pretty good day yesterday. Down at the park Borgo swam and got sticks and ran a lot and generally had a great time.  I kept Keeper on leash as didn't want him tipping her over. Teko hustled around trying to pee on and mark as many things as he could and cared less where I was but he is always at the dogmobile when its time to go.
  Bella arrived as arranged and turned out to be just the opposite of Borgo. she is a small LabX and quite shy and very quiet.  I did try and see if they would make friends but she is terrified of him and so he didn't get a playmate.  Bella is very laid back and quiet in the house and although she showed a bit of distress when her owner left she got over it quickly. she did not eat last night but seemed happy when I made her a bed with her towel on it and there she stayed!  She also tends to pull on leash but a small correction on her regular training collar is all she needs.( choke collar but I dislike the term)
  I spent some time in the yard throwing plastic lids for Borgo and he knows to give nicely once you get ahold of it but then wanted to chew them up so I gave him a metal lid and that wasn't half so chewable. he doesn't bring them back every time so I had three on the go and that kind of worked.  One on one attention anyway,  It really is time for him to grow up and receive some discipline as he is too big to "baby" any more.  Needs some manners bigtime! but his owner phoned and will be picking him up at ten today so that's it for this go round. He tries to be good just hasn't been guided in the basics.The pinch collar made a big difference with him and he would come around in no time I think with some perseverance and consistency.  Will mention my opinions to owner today.  I can only try and help,as a matter of fact I am probably too adamant about it all but life could be so much easier for all involved for him and he would appreciate it in the end too. He's looking for some guidelines and not getting them.  and of course he will always be a big gallomping dog-no getting past that!
  Anyway its all interesting and I continue to learn from the different personalities etc.  Funny to see Bella slept on the couch last night but got off when I got up.
  Borgo even got Keeper thinking she could play with him yesterday and got tipped over right away and decided she would go back in the house and practise being an elder again.  Teko just went around growling at him all the time. And then Teko had the audacity to try and take over Borgos' food dish!   I guess all his life any dish on the floor was his and he still thinks that.  Not so and I put the dish up and put him inside.
  Well it past brekkie time so no more bloggin' for today. So very nice to see the sunshine and blue sky all that rain makes one appreciate it a lot more.
p.s. I found out "Borgo" was a Rum that owners hubby enjoyed somewhere.

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