Dog Catcher

Dog Catcher

Thursday, 14 June 2012

All Good in Miracle House!

Hey Everyone, its NOT raining and that has got to be a good thing. Makes a bog difference to my outlook on life.  I learnt a few things yesterday about vehicles that Hamish taught me and I guess life is made up of all sorts of learning experiences-whether you particularly want them or not. As I went striding across the rug to go outside I stepped in and slid on dog crap! Thanks a bunch Teko! How to really make my day but for a past offender-this has only happened a couple of times in the two months he has lived with me.  He later made up for it by actually coming to the computer and getting on my knee to tell me he would like out!  Most amazing- but that also means he KNOWS he is supposed to do it outside.  I don't know of anyone who lets their dogs out more than me, Any time I go to the kitchen and the dogs follow they know they also have to go outside rain or shine.  I feed then early in an attempt to get all body functions looked after to hold them for the night and I think I am winning but know I will need a new carpet in the end.  Neither dog is young so I have to be somewhat forgiving even though I am not happy about assidents or pissidents in the house.  The vet told me some time ago that if I don't want to put Keeper down I will have to put up with this. And I don't so I will.
  I spent some time yesterday trying to get my email back but although it sounded like the telus gal knew what she was doing she was not successful.  At least I know most of my good friends are reading this and know I am doing okay and they don't have to phone to see if I am sick or something.  I'm okay girls and still working on getting this computer to where I want it.  Now to start paying for it.   I also managed to get my cleaning done at the Seniors hall, my back has improved somewhat but still hurts and today there are two churches to do. Just have to grin and bear it. Again the good old adage or "Whatever it Takes" comes to mind. I thank Ann for that one!
  Had a nice visit with Herb and Fay Thompson last night, I rarely go out in the evening but he has asked for some Riding Club photos so I thought I would just take them over and be done with it. Herb is nothing if he is not tenacious so it was easier this way. I quite enjoyed talking horse stories and heard a few new ones from him. He insists I quit riding too soon but it was necessary at the time.  He was right as horses not only keep you humble they keep you in decent shape.  My hat goes off to all the people I know older than me that are still riding and working at it.  But now I am into dogs and am happy enough with that. Just took another booking for the end of the month.  Its just a four day stint and happens when I am off work from Animal Control so that makes things easier. Maybe we can even play?  I played so very much with Keeper over her lifetime that I do miss that.  She probably does as well but she is doing okay and recently has even been putzing in the lake a bit and seems to know her limits. I don't know what I would do if she just went in swimming again,  Oh yes I do I would worry like crazy.  Recall is limited at best with a deaf dog but we seem to manage with hand clapping.  It works as long as I am close enough to her.
  I wouldn't want to live in the city but have adjusted to life here in town.  There are advantages for sure, like snowplowing before 8:00 a.m. in the mornings and garbage pickup and neighbours not far away for help etc.And downtown is only like five minutes away.  For this stage of my life it is okay.  At the time it certainly broke my heart to leave my beloved farm but there you go I started a whole new epoch and its all working out not too badly anyway although as always there were worries at times.  One thing for sure I have never been bored and after the five dogs episode am enjoying the quiet of just us "elderlies" here in the house.  Oops that does not include Mr.Peaches as he is young and recently took a flying leap and climbed the curtain in my bedroom quite easily.  He is a very bold guy and not afraid of any of the new dogs that come here but one that he knows would like to kill  him and then her just keeps a low profile.  So for the moment I can honestly say "It's All good" in Miracle House and I appreciate that too!

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