Dog Catcher

Dog Catcher

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Miracle House Petsitting is Well

I am most pleased and also surprised to find my little pet-sitting business thriving this year. It started off in May and then continued through most of June and it looks like it will go right to the end of this month for sure and one dog booked for a long time in August.  Jiggs returned for five days and he is very easy to have around.  I suppose most owners are really loving and caring for their dogs these days and know they are not always happy to be in a kennel situation.  Most dogs easily transfer their confidence and care to me once they arrive.  They seem to need someone around and given the fact they have no choice I am "IT" so to speak.  and me? Well I sell my time and my house and yard and my expertise(?) with dogs and it all works out in the end.  For the most part I love having the house full of dogs.  its especially nice when they are "balanced" dogs like Jiggs and simply take it all in stride.  Of course he is ecstatic to see his owners again but he is not unhappy here and I accept it as my job to try and make every dog happy.   Of course there are dogs that are not happy and have 'issues" but that is all part of it.  I have a choice on how I deal with those issues (bearing in mind -for the good of ALL)   For instance I have one rather "sharp" collie type dog that has been a long-standing client and she would love to kill my cat.  So she bears watching and I am careful with her.  Mr.Peaches is well aware of her intentions and keeps a low profile when she is here but  I was pleased on the last visit to tell the dog "No!" and have her listen and comprehend that she is to leave the cat alone.  Thereafter,  she wouldn't even look at the cat.  Since Chance went to dog-heaven, there have been absolutely no scraps among the dogs and I am always grateful for that as well.  Return visitors are always nice as they already know the rules and regs. of how to get along in Miracle House and it makes easier for all of us.  They walk in like a kid that has been to a house before and say hello to all and settle in right away. new dogs are sometimes harder until we all get to know each other.
   Today I have a new dog coming at 10:00.  He is rather large and will only be here for a couple of days. His name is Borgo, which I find so unusual I had to write it down right away.  But he came out to meet and greet and seemed to be a pretty mellow fellow so that is good.  I am most pleased with my two dogs in that they don't seem to mind at all how many dogs are here. Keeper just seems to manage her day as best she can at her age and Teko only worries about getting wiped out when the other dogs hurry by him. that's fair enough and he spent a lot of time chastising the JR puppy, who I saw even jump on his back.Teko is too small to handle much of that. But he is also rather clever about getting out of the way quickly.  He would be better if he didn't have cataracts I think.  Its funny to see how dogs respect other dogs when they are sleeping and sometimes this looks like the house of the sleeping dogs! Once everyone decides where their "spot " is peace reighns over the place giving me time out as well to read or catch a nap myself.
  I am glad to of my animal control job with its short and flexible hours.  It allows me to take the dogs with me and most dogs love going somewhere.  The "dogmobile" has not come up short on space yet. The dogs soon figure out the order of loading and unloading.  Jiggs is especially clever in that I can send him from the drivers door to the second back seat.  he would prefer to be in the first back seat with Keeper but she is more comfortable having her "space" to herself so that's just how it is.
   Feeding time fracases are avoided by everyone having their own special spot. Teko eats in the bathroom and Keeper in the kitchen.  She doesn't always clean up her food right away so then it has to put up until she is hungry again. Other dogs are fed in the back yard or the porch or wherever works out best for them.Young Max always ate in his crate which was handy and Daisy eats in the front room usually and Maddie eats in the front porch.  If one is clever and into dogs as I am it simply all works out very well. Most of the dogs come with their own food and that is a good thing so they do not have their food changed.  I always have extra on hand in case the owners need another day or so.With a curious cat like Mr.P I sometimes have to be innovative on where to store other food but have some pretty good containers. Sometimes I have to put it in the bathroom and keep the door closed.  I saw he has stretched his long arm into Jiggs bag this last stay and sampled the nice expensive food Jiggs eats.  (Telltale evidence was left in the crumbs on the floor he didn't clean up.)
  In any case I am most happy to have the spare dogs around and get paid for something I enjoy.  It really all does work out in the end and turning 65 this year may not be half as scary as I thought.  We are all doing well and what more can one ask?

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