I have to say Bella is the most Quiet dog I have ever met. She is of course very shy as well and not very confident but man you hardly know she is here! She stays on her bed and could care less when the other two go out the back door. She does like "going" out in the dogmobile but when you get her out of the vehicle, she is just as likely to try and jump back in. She is ready and willing to go out first thing in the morning but again is just as likely to come back in if the door is open too long. It takes Keeper and Teko a few minutes to both get out the door. Today for the first time she came to me as I sat at my computer and I gave her pets and attention and then let her out a second time. She stayed out for awhile and when I checked on her she was laying on the grass in the drizzle of rain. She is a very relaxed dog and maybe I have had so many boisterous, lively ones of late that it really makes quiet stand out? I really think this is just her personality as she does not seem worried or unhappy really. I think she was a rescue dog but am not sure and her present owners really lucked out as she is a low maintenance dog for sure. she did bark when someone came to the door but not excessively and just how good can one dog be? She spends most of the day on her bed and is more like an ornament than having a dog around. Super mellow lady she is!( Can't you tell I can hardly stand it?)
Yesterday we delivered a half culvert tunnel to Max as an agility present as his owner could not find a wind tunnel for him in Nelson. I think you can get them at "Mountain Baby" if I have the name right of the store on Baker Street.
So Wednesday is Keepers 18th birthday and all friends are invited to come for cake and coffee and hopefully a few of her dog friends as well. Last year Bea even ordered a cake and Robert in the Bakery made her a dog-bone shaped one! This year we will have to make do with one I make and that's that. My goodness I have had her around for longer than some people have their kids! But as I watch her totter and fall sometimes I know the writing is on the wall and her time is limited. So-- we make sure we enjoy every day as much as we can. For now her health seems good and I am so glad of that. She is basically healthy and still can get around on her own steam. Lying down and getting up again is difficult for her at times and there is a definite weakness in her hips but she continues on and doesn't seem to be in a lot of pain. I know her hearing is poor and now I think her eyesight is not great either. Yesterday she stepped in Bellas' water bowl(that usually is not there) and the water ran all over the floor and soaked into the carpet but hey it all dries in the end and its a small price to pay to have my buddy still with me. I well remember the careful dog she once was and it used to bother her to knock things over and she would never have stepped in a water bowl in her heyday. Dogs seem much more accepting of old age coming down on them than humans are. When she falls down upon rising and cannot get a grip on the slick floor, she simply waits until she feels stronger and then tries again. It breaks my heart to remember the racing daredevil she once was and one of my favorite "memory images" is of her racing through the bush bravely jumping downed trees and underbrush as she kept up to us on the ATV. Another one is of her doing agility way ahead of me and yarking in happiness and excitement. Then too there were the million and one throws of the Frisbee throughout the years. She did love her Frizbee and taught her boyfriend Teddy how to do it. We still see Teddy on ocassion and although their "romance" seems to have gone out they are still good friends. We hope he comes to the party. I don't think I am "boarding" any dogs at that time and Teddy sometimes has issues with dogs he doesn't know but it would be nice to have him. We are also hoping for an outdoor party so hopefully the weather will give us a break? If not, its inside for us and I think this place is just one big doghouse anyway so no matter. All in all Keeper has had rather a long and good life and I can't complain that her time is running out. None of us gets out alive anyway and I know she will be waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge and will be all young and energetic again? She has been a wonderful and faithful companion to me for all these years and I will never forget her. One special dog for sure!
Dog Catcher

Saturday, 30 June 2012
Friday, 29 June 2012
A Good and Working Relationship
Yesterday when Borgos' owner arrived he of course kicked up a fuss and barked etc. But that is to be expected. I'm afraid I started in right away discussing my opinion on what he now needs. Both owner and her Mother were most impressed with the results of the pinch collar. As a matter of fact I lent it to them in hopes his training will continue. He may be returning soon as they are going to the states and hope to pick up one of the collars and two for me as well. It seems to me I lent out a pinch collar some time ago and never did get it back. I had thought not to do that again but guess I always "keep the faith" in my fellow man regardless of the results. And it is all for a good cause anyway and both collars were given to me so...what goes around comes around? Still. that leaves me with no pinch collars at all! Guess I will manage. Bella is so good and sensitive that she only needs a tug on the training collar and that is good enough. think her owners just have not pushed it much nor insisted she heel nicely. Although Bella probably came with a gentle nature, she shows that her owners are gentle as well. She is an easy dog to have around and must be shy about "doing her business" as I have yet to see her do anything! she seems to be able to hold her business for some time but then I have two dogs that need to go out a lot more than usual. Bella loves her food and somehow knows exactly when I have filled her bowl and am bringing it out to her and meets me part way. She is eating well again and only refused to eat the first night so she has adjusted quickly and well. She knows to go in the second back seat and all is well around here.
I had a nice surprise when a friend phoned to tell me my business cards were in. I had wanted ones with a certain photo on and she could not get that done so improvised and they look lovely! They have young Max on them and its even a photo I took myself!Along with a whole box of cards she also ordered address labels AND a mousepad. All with Max on them! One of the best parts was the comment on the bottom of the card that says " I am now Jack Russell tolerant." I have never been intolerant of these energetic little dogs but disliked how the owners never bothered training them. It makes all the difference to know they can be trained and can learn to listen and they really are very loveable. I hope none of my clients ever cause me to pick up their dog (as an Animal Control Officer) as I would feel terrible about it. Still as I have maintained from the time I started my job as ACO, if the owners do their job and keep their dogs under control, I won't have to do mine.
When I was at the Post Office I could not help myself but to speak to a fellow about how his training would go a lot better if he used a training collar. Next thing I knew I was demonstrating and once gain lent out another collar! I do expect these people to purchase their own and return mine and we shall see what happens. If the weather ever clears up I think it is time for another dog class to happen. maybe Max's owner will let me use him as a demo dog although he has much to learn yet. Its something to think about anyway. It would be great to do agility with him but I wonder if I could keep up at all? Just about the time I have given up on agility ever taking off in Kaslo there seems to be some interest. But you just never know how its gonna go. I have been fortunate in that I have not had to put a lot of money out for the agility obstacles etc. Both my tunnels were given to me and the rest was built by Ed or scrounged from the dump. I always hope to have a series of dogs that will do agility for May Days and think that would be a lot of fun but don't even have a suitable candidate myself right now. One of the first dogs I used to "show" agility was Timmy, guess what? A Jack Russell! Timmy was so fast and his owner so worried I would lose him I had to tie two leashes on him in order to catch him after I sent him through the tunnel. But it worked and he quite loved doing the stuff. You just have to figure out different ways sometimes. A border collie named Russell loved doing agility as well but I think we have never had more than three dogs to "show". Maybe that can change in the future? Now I use the term "show" very loosely here as there had never been an actual competition, we just brought our dogs up and did a demo.
The thought has occurred to me that owners not doing any training at all deprive their dogs of a lot of joy. They are robbed of the confidence they might gain and the whole praise thing for a job well done. Most dogs enjoy pleasing their owners and the owners should enjoy that too. Its nice to be proud of your dog and the work you have done with him. As with horses, every rider needs to be a trainer. And so it is with dog owners they too need to be trainers. It really is wonderful to have a dog know what you want before you are even aware of it and they are all clever and as stated "Love to Please You"! And guess what else? In later years of your dogs life it will matter a lot! That's why Keeper and I can still communicate as her faculties start to leave her. A good relationship(training) with your dog is a wonderful thing--the rewards and results are certainly worth the time involved.
I had a nice surprise when a friend phoned to tell me my business cards were in. I had wanted ones with a certain photo on and she could not get that done so improvised and they look lovely! They have young Max on them and its even a photo I took myself!Along with a whole box of cards she also ordered address labels AND a mousepad. All with Max on them! One of the best parts was the comment on the bottom of the card that says " I am now Jack Russell tolerant." I have never been intolerant of these energetic little dogs but disliked how the owners never bothered training them. It makes all the difference to know they can be trained and can learn to listen and they really are very loveable. I hope none of my clients ever cause me to pick up their dog (as an Animal Control Officer) as I would feel terrible about it. Still as I have maintained from the time I started my job as ACO, if the owners do their job and keep their dogs under control, I won't have to do mine.
When I was at the Post Office I could not help myself but to speak to a fellow about how his training would go a lot better if he used a training collar. Next thing I knew I was demonstrating and once gain lent out another collar! I do expect these people to purchase their own and return mine and we shall see what happens. If the weather ever clears up I think it is time for another dog class to happen. maybe Max's owner will let me use him as a demo dog although he has much to learn yet. Its something to think about anyway. It would be great to do agility with him but I wonder if I could keep up at all? Just about the time I have given up on agility ever taking off in Kaslo there seems to be some interest. But you just never know how its gonna go. I have been fortunate in that I have not had to put a lot of money out for the agility obstacles etc. Both my tunnels were given to me and the rest was built by Ed or scrounged from the dump. I always hope to have a series of dogs that will do agility for May Days and think that would be a lot of fun but don't even have a suitable candidate myself right now. One of the first dogs I used to "show" agility was Timmy, guess what? A Jack Russell! Timmy was so fast and his owner so worried I would lose him I had to tie two leashes on him in order to catch him after I sent him through the tunnel. But it worked and he quite loved doing the stuff. You just have to figure out different ways sometimes. A border collie named Russell loved doing agility as well but I think we have never had more than three dogs to "show". Maybe that can change in the future? Now I use the term "show" very loosely here as there had never been an actual competition, we just brought our dogs up and did a demo.
The thought has occurred to me that owners not doing any training at all deprive their dogs of a lot of joy. They are robbed of the confidence they might gain and the whole praise thing for a job well done. Most dogs enjoy pleasing their owners and the owners should enjoy that too. Its nice to be proud of your dog and the work you have done with him. As with horses, every rider needs to be a trainer. And so it is with dog owners they too need to be trainers. It really is wonderful to have a dog know what you want before you are even aware of it and they are all clever and as stated "Love to Please You"! And guess what else? In later years of your dogs life it will matter a lot! That's why Keeper and I can still communicate as her faculties start to leave her. A good relationship(training) with your dog is a wonderful thing--the rewards and results are certainly worth the time involved.
Thursday, 28 June 2012
Borgos Day
Without a bunch of rain to deal with we had a pretty good day yesterday. Down at the park Borgo swam and got sticks and ran a lot and generally had a great time. I kept Keeper on leash as didn't want him tipping her over. Teko hustled around trying to pee on and mark as many things as he could and cared less where I was but he is always at the dogmobile when its time to go.
Bella arrived as arranged and turned out to be just the opposite of Borgo. she is a small LabX and quite shy and very quiet. I did try and see if they would make friends but she is terrified of him and so he didn't get a playmate. Bella is very laid back and quiet in the house and although she showed a bit of distress when her owner left she got over it quickly. she did not eat last night but seemed happy when I made her a bed with her towel on it and there she stayed! She also tends to pull on leash but a small correction on her regular training collar is all she needs.( choke collar but I dislike the term)
I spent some time in the yard throwing plastic lids for Borgo and he knows to give nicely once you get ahold of it but then wanted to chew them up so I gave him a metal lid and that wasn't half so chewable. he doesn't bring them back every time so I had three on the go and that kind of worked. One on one attention anyway, It really is time for him to grow up and receive some discipline as he is too big to "baby" any more. Needs some manners bigtime! but his owner phoned and will be picking him up at ten today so that's it for this go round. He tries to be good just hasn't been guided in the basics.The pinch collar made a big difference with him and he would come around in no time I think with some perseverance and consistency. Will mention my opinions to owner today. I can only try and help,as a matter of fact I am probably too adamant about it all but life could be so much easier for all involved for him and he would appreciate it in the end too. He's looking for some guidelines and not getting them. and of course he will always be a big gallomping dog-no getting past that!
Anyway its all interesting and I continue to learn from the different personalities etc. Funny to see Bella slept on the couch last night but got off when I got up.
Borgo even got Keeper thinking she could play with him yesterday and got tipped over right away and decided she would go back in the house and practise being an elder again. Teko just went around growling at him all the time. And then Teko had the audacity to try and take over Borgos' food dish! I guess all his life any dish on the floor was his and he still thinks that. Not so and I put the dish up and put him inside.
Well it past brekkie time so no more bloggin' for today. So very nice to see the sunshine and blue sky all that rain makes one appreciate it a lot more.
p.s. I found out "Borgo" was a Rum that owners hubby enjoyed somewhere.
Bella arrived as arranged and turned out to be just the opposite of Borgo. she is a small LabX and quite shy and very quiet. I did try and see if they would make friends but she is terrified of him and so he didn't get a playmate. Bella is very laid back and quiet in the house and although she showed a bit of distress when her owner left she got over it quickly. she did not eat last night but seemed happy when I made her a bed with her towel on it and there she stayed! She also tends to pull on leash but a small correction on her regular training collar is all she needs.( choke collar but I dislike the term)
I spent some time in the yard throwing plastic lids for Borgo and he knows to give nicely once you get ahold of it but then wanted to chew them up so I gave him a metal lid and that wasn't half so chewable. he doesn't bring them back every time so I had three on the go and that kind of worked. One on one attention anyway, It really is time for him to grow up and receive some discipline as he is too big to "baby" any more. Needs some manners bigtime! but his owner phoned and will be picking him up at ten today so that's it for this go round. He tries to be good just hasn't been guided in the basics.The pinch collar made a big difference with him and he would come around in no time I think with some perseverance and consistency. Will mention my opinions to owner today. I can only try and help,as a matter of fact I am probably too adamant about it all but life could be so much easier for all involved for him and he would appreciate it in the end too. He's looking for some guidelines and not getting them. and of course he will always be a big gallomping dog-no getting past that!
Anyway its all interesting and I continue to learn from the different personalities etc. Funny to see Bella slept on the couch last night but got off when I got up.
Borgo even got Keeper thinking she could play with him yesterday and got tipped over right away and decided she would go back in the house and practise being an elder again. Teko just went around growling at him all the time. And then Teko had the audacity to try and take over Borgos' food dish! I guess all his life any dish on the floor was his and he still thinks that. Not so and I put the dish up and put him inside.
Well it past brekkie time so no more bloggin' for today. So very nice to see the sunshine and blue sky all that rain makes one appreciate it a lot more.
p.s. I found out "Borgo" was a Rum that owners hubby enjoyed somewhere.
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
Speaking too Soon
Well there you go, just when I was talking about how nice and calm most of my boarders are - Borgo arrived! His owner wasn't even in the door and he bounced in with exuberance and scared Mr.P who tipped over a small table with a bunch of stuff on it and started hissing from the couch. Thank goodness owner held on tight and Mr.P escaped to the bedroom. His owner simply said "and so it begins" I popped the dog out in the back yard where he proceeded to protest his banishment just when things were looking exciting. Owner very good about saying if I couldn't handle him put him in kennel and she liked the size of the kennel in the porch. I was all upside down writing on my blog and losing track of time and had been rushing about getting dressed. so it was a hectic few moments. Having large dogs is not easy and this fellow doesn't seem to be built for speed and chasing down balls so harder to exercise him. Tuesdays I call bingo for the inmates at the hospital so next thing we were off in the dogmobile. I put a pinch collar on Borgo and he quit pulling and did a quicky lesson on how to walk nice and popped him into the back of the van. Thank goodness he is quiet in there as had to leave the dogs in the car while I did bingo.At home I let him run around to do his thing and he does come back which is very nice and then with all the rain he spent most of the day in the front porch. The dogs certainly like sleeping on the swing seat in there and it wasn't until nighttime that he discovered he could look through the window into the dining room ans watch me on the computer. Last call pee was the quickest I have ever seen and am not sure he did anything actually but run down and back again. Big boobie still pees like a puppy and looks so funny doing it.Hopefully it won't rain as much today and we can all go for a walk but yesterday was a tad ridiculous and I was happy to stay indoors. Borgo should be able to be in the yard at least for a time but he seems to not like being by himself and who can blame him? He is just so big and boisterous and with the cat etc. I am not in a hurry to have him indoors although he just might settle down quickly-who knows? In any case he hasn't gotten into any trouble in the porch except for whipping my plants with his tail and they will just have to toughen up. He isn't unhappy or crying or anything so I presume all is well by him. As stated today should be a better day for him. Also I have learned Bella is coming in around 4:00 so hopefully they will get along and play themselves to sleep. The first half hour is always the most difficult as the dogs come in a bit excited.
Well I see the spell check has given up working and I wonder why that happens? Oh well will just have to do it the old-fashioned way to correct mistakes. In any case it looks like another interesting day with the dogs and I am glad to have this week off again. it seems to come just in time-days off I mean. We are all coping with the water restrictions and it isn't so bad as I though it might be. I had visions of getting water from the lake but so far so good. Thank goodness for those Village employees out there in the rain and the muck making some water available to us. it seems ridiculous to be restricted on water with so much coming down on us. I guess we will survive but yesterday i felt like we were about to be wiped off the map entirely.No point evenin discussing the weather as we have no control over it.apparently a bit of sunshine tomorrow maybe?? Hope so!
Well I see the spell check has given up working and I wonder why that happens? Oh well will just have to do it the old-fashioned way to correct mistakes. In any case it looks like another interesting day with the dogs and I am glad to have this week off again. it seems to come just in time-days off I mean. We are all coping with the water restrictions and it isn't so bad as I though it might be. I had visions of getting water from the lake but so far so good. Thank goodness for those Village employees out there in the rain and the muck making some water available to us. it seems ridiculous to be restricted on water with so much coming down on us. I guess we will survive but yesterday i felt like we were about to be wiped off the map entirely.No point evenin discussing the weather as we have no control over it.apparently a bit of sunshine tomorrow maybe?? Hope so!
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
Miracle House Petsitting is Well
I am most pleased and also surprised to find my little pet-sitting business thriving this year. It started off in May and then continued through most of June and it looks like it will go right to the end of this month for sure and one dog booked for a long time in August. Jiggs returned for five days and he is very easy to have around. I suppose most owners are really loving and caring for their dogs these days and know they are not always happy to be in a kennel situation. Most dogs easily transfer their confidence and care to me once they arrive. They seem to need someone around and given the fact they have no choice I am "IT" so to speak. and me? Well I sell my time and my house and yard and my expertise(?) with dogs and it all works out in the end. For the most part I love having the house full of dogs. its especially nice when they are "balanced" dogs like Jiggs and simply take it all in stride. Of course he is ecstatic to see his owners again but he is not unhappy here and I accept it as my job to try and make every dog happy. Of course there are dogs that are not happy and have 'issues" but that is all part of it. I have a choice on how I deal with those issues (bearing in mind -for the good of ALL) For instance I have one rather "sharp" collie type dog that has been a long-standing client and she would love to kill my cat. So she bears watching and I am careful with her. Mr.Peaches is well aware of her intentions and keeps a low profile when she is here but I was pleased on the last visit to tell the dog "No!" and have her listen and comprehend that she is to leave the cat alone. Thereafter, she wouldn't even look at the cat. Since Chance went to dog-heaven, there have been absolutely no scraps among the dogs and I am always grateful for that as well. Return visitors are always nice as they already know the rules and regs. of how to get along in Miracle House and it makes easier for all of us. They walk in like a kid that has been to a house before and say hello to all and settle in right away. new dogs are sometimes harder until we all get to know each other.
Today I have a new dog coming at 10:00. He is rather large and will only be here for a couple of days. His name is Borgo, which I find so unusual I had to write it down right away. But he came out to meet and greet and seemed to be a pretty mellow fellow so that is good. I am most pleased with my two dogs in that they don't seem to mind at all how many dogs are here. Keeper just seems to manage her day as best she can at her age and Teko only worries about getting wiped out when the other dogs hurry by him. that's fair enough and he spent a lot of time chastising the JR puppy, who I saw even jump on his back.Teko is too small to handle much of that. But he is also rather clever about getting out of the way quickly. He would be better if he didn't have cataracts I think. Its funny to see how dogs respect other dogs when they are sleeping and sometimes this looks like the house of the sleeping dogs! Once everyone decides where their "spot " is peace reighns over the place giving me time out as well to read or catch a nap myself.
I am glad to of my animal control job with its short and flexible hours. It allows me to take the dogs with me and most dogs love going somewhere. The "dogmobile" has not come up short on space yet. The dogs soon figure out the order of loading and unloading. Jiggs is especially clever in that I can send him from the drivers door to the second back seat. he would prefer to be in the first back seat with Keeper but she is more comfortable having her "space" to herself so that's just how it is.
Feeding time fracases are avoided by everyone having their own special spot. Teko eats in the bathroom and Keeper in the kitchen. She doesn't always clean up her food right away so then it has to put up until she is hungry again. Other dogs are fed in the back yard or the porch or wherever works out best for them.Young Max always ate in his crate which was handy and Daisy eats in the front room usually and Maddie eats in the front porch. If one is clever and into dogs as I am it simply all works out very well. Most of the dogs come with their own food and that is a good thing so they do not have their food changed. I always have extra on hand in case the owners need another day or so.With a curious cat like Mr.P I sometimes have to be innovative on where to store other food but have some pretty good containers. Sometimes I have to put it in the bathroom and keep the door closed. I saw he has stretched his long arm into Jiggs bag this last stay and sampled the nice expensive food Jiggs eats. (Telltale evidence was left in the crumbs on the floor he didn't clean up.)
In any case I am most happy to have the spare dogs around and get paid for something I enjoy. It really all does work out in the end and turning 65 this year may not be half as scary as I thought. We are all doing well and what more can one ask?
Today I have a new dog coming at 10:00. He is rather large and will only be here for a couple of days. His name is Borgo, which I find so unusual I had to write it down right away. But he came out to meet and greet and seemed to be a pretty mellow fellow so that is good. I am most pleased with my two dogs in that they don't seem to mind at all how many dogs are here. Keeper just seems to manage her day as best she can at her age and Teko only worries about getting wiped out when the other dogs hurry by him. that's fair enough and he spent a lot of time chastising the JR puppy, who I saw even jump on his back.Teko is too small to handle much of that. But he is also rather clever about getting out of the way quickly. He would be better if he didn't have cataracts I think. Its funny to see how dogs respect other dogs when they are sleeping and sometimes this looks like the house of the sleeping dogs! Once everyone decides where their "spot " is peace reighns over the place giving me time out as well to read or catch a nap myself.
I am glad to of my animal control job with its short and flexible hours. It allows me to take the dogs with me and most dogs love going somewhere. The "dogmobile" has not come up short on space yet. The dogs soon figure out the order of loading and unloading. Jiggs is especially clever in that I can send him from the drivers door to the second back seat. he would prefer to be in the first back seat with Keeper but she is more comfortable having her "space" to herself so that's just how it is.
Feeding time fracases are avoided by everyone having their own special spot. Teko eats in the bathroom and Keeper in the kitchen. She doesn't always clean up her food right away so then it has to put up until she is hungry again. Other dogs are fed in the back yard or the porch or wherever works out best for them.Young Max always ate in his crate which was handy and Daisy eats in the front room usually and Maddie eats in the front porch. If one is clever and into dogs as I am it simply all works out very well. Most of the dogs come with their own food and that is a good thing so they do not have their food changed. I always have extra on hand in case the owners need another day or so.With a curious cat like Mr.P I sometimes have to be innovative on where to store other food but have some pretty good containers. Sometimes I have to put it in the bathroom and keep the door closed. I saw he has stretched his long arm into Jiggs bag this last stay and sampled the nice expensive food Jiggs eats. (Telltale evidence was left in the crumbs on the floor he didn't clean up.)
In any case I am most happy to have the spare dogs around and get paid for something I enjoy. It really all does work out in the end and turning 65 this year may not be half as scary as I thought. We are all doing well and what more can one ask?
Saturday, 23 June 2012
Coming and going
Just when I thought summer had arrived to stay the weather changed AGAIN! Very early this a.m.when the dogs got me up for a pee call, it was even thundering out. For a minute I wasn't sure what it was so went out on the porch to listen and yep, that's what it was. It was also raining really hard so that's it for mowing the front lawn although I did get the back done at least. In a way its okay as I have a lot of work to do in the house.
Jiggs returned for a short time on Wed. He is a very easy dog to have around and fits right in. He has a very large bladder I think and often simply does not want to go out but the other too (Keeper and Teko) dutifully go outside whenever I open the door.. Peaches has been enjoying short jaunts in the back yard, If only cats would stay in he could be out a lot. However last night I left him out a bit too long and he did a walkabout, I felt sure he had just gone into the neighbours yard and was temporarily still locked in their fence but not he had gone another way. As I searched and called and looked the neighbours saw me and came out and Laura next door spotted him more toward the front yard. I had gone that way first but her must have been too busy to come. At least he did come for me calling him and now his privileges will be ended, as I don't intend to spend a lot of time looking and worrying about where he may have gone.The coyotes have gotten several of my cats in the past and that is why Mr.Peaches has been and indoor cat. It is tempting at times to just let him go but I know better and miss them so much when they do not return. Jiggs is only here for a few more days and goes home again on Monday, then I have two labs coming ( different owners) they will probably have a good time playing together as both are only about a year old or so. However one is only here for a day and a night. The other is here for four days. It does keep life interesting anyway with all the coming and going.
Last Sunday Gramma came by to help me groom the dogs. Actually its the other way around. She does the combing out and I hold the dog down. although Keeper used to not mind being combed out at all, now in her old age she finds it uncomfortable and kicks up quite a fuss. She yodels and hollers and struggles with all her might. I think in the end she just wore herself out and then accepted it was going to be done in any case. she got "the works" with teeth scaled and nails clipped as well. Then it was Tekos turn and he certainly wasn't impressed and only ever having his teeth done under anaesthetic, would not comply so that didn't happen with him. They both looked lovely after and felt so soft. All that awful dead hair now in a bag for the garbage. And no, Gramma does not hire out! She does this once a year cause she loves us. I am supposed to do a daily comb out but how can I when it takes two people? None of my friends are as into dogs as I am so it is hard to ask anyone for help. I imagine Sandi or Judy would help me but they don't live here so it just does not get done. I hate it and Keeper hates and its easier not to. Still I get lectures alla time. So with that in mind I am going to try for Sunday grooming sessions and see hoe that goes. HMM, Sunday is already tomorrow!
The dog topic for today is "TRAINING", I have long been an advocate of good training on a dog. it not only makes your life easier it makes everyone's life easier that comes in contact with your dog. That is not to say because you have learned to live around your dogs bad habits in peace that it is actually trained. Nope, YOU are trained! Consider this, if something happened to you and your dog had to go to another home to live, do you think it would work out?? We cannot guarantee that we will be there for the dog' entire lifetime and therefore the best thing we can do is send out a well-behaved animal. Well adjusted and balanced would help also. A balanced dog does not get into fights or bark just to hear themselves and most importantly comes to its name!
Not too far in the past I took on a rescue dog I called Chance. I really liked him and he seemed pretty obedient and I loved the look of him. he didn't mind being outside and had a wondrous coat to protect him. he was an Australian Shepherd and a good looking fellow. He did not bark a lot and so he lived in the back yard, coming in at night to sleep in the porch and having occasional visits in the house. he was a bit of a buffoon and not graceful inside so outside worked well for both of us. He seemed to be a balanced dog but I knew better when I got him as he had fought with another dog where he was and torn its ear to the cost of a $100.00 vet bill. So I watched him-especially when I had other boarders. Although I worried about him fighting I still took him off leash to the dog walk place and never had an incident. i even took him into dog class with me. Then came the day when I had Teko staying here and put him outside while Chance was in the yard, I was busy vacuuming and never heard a sound but when I went to let Teko in I saw blood all over the cement walk! I let him in and poor baby had indeed been in a war. His left eye was all red looking and later I found he had wounds on either side of him as well. Double puncture wounds decorated either side of him and it was difficult to pick him up. This time the vet bill was $400.00+! I made an appointment to have the dog put down but on the day phoned and cancelled it as I thought I had found a new owner for him. That didn't work out and in the end I kept Chance with me. In the meantime. for three weeks there was Teko to doctor. He needed a muzzle and every day I went and washed his wounds and kept the drain tubes clean. There were pills to give also, and Cheese Whiz worked wonders! Eventually the little dog healed up and was his old self but I still felt badly about it all. Bea insisted on reimbursing me for the vet bill, saying that I had been doing her a favour. I didn't feel right about that either but it was easier to take it than to fight with Bea about it. Eventually last summer it became necessary for me to look after Teko once again and I remember promising Bea Chance would not have another opportunity to get Teko because I would not let it happen. Then came the day I had all three dogs in the house and a man rang the doorbell. This was cause for excitement as it seldom happens and even Chance barked. I slipped out onto the porch sans dogs to say I could not talk out there and the crap hit the fan in the house.When I got back inside Teko was heading for the kitchen hollering his head off and yes Chance had done it again. Only this time there was only one hole in his side and the vet bill was only $75.00! But the writing was now on the wall. I would not and could not change Chances outlook on life. I hadn't caused the problem and after two years I had not been able to change his behavior. I had only learned to live around it. I liked Chance a lot and he was my kind of dog in many ways, but it was probably only a matter of time before he actually killed another dog. I could not afford to keep such an animal and with a heavy heart I took him to the vet and had euthanised. I miss him still and although I can say I gave him two more happy years, I could not see passing him on to other unsuspecting owners. He was a happy dog and ecstatic to have one on one attention at any time. Whatever had happened in his past had changed him from being a balanced animal to one with problems that I couldn't solve.And so the question to ask yourself is...would someone enjoy looking after your dog on a permanent basis or are you just creating and unbalanced dog that will meet the same kind of end as Chance?
And that is his story to the beset of my knowledge. We all must be trainers from the time we take on the responsibility of a dog.
Jiggs returned for a short time on Wed. He is a very easy dog to have around and fits right in. He has a very large bladder I think and often simply does not want to go out but the other too (Keeper and Teko) dutifully go outside whenever I open the door.. Peaches has been enjoying short jaunts in the back yard, If only cats would stay in he could be out a lot. However last night I left him out a bit too long and he did a walkabout, I felt sure he had just gone into the neighbours yard and was temporarily still locked in their fence but not he had gone another way. As I searched and called and looked the neighbours saw me and came out and Laura next door spotted him more toward the front yard. I had gone that way first but her must have been too busy to come. At least he did come for me calling him and now his privileges will be ended, as I don't intend to spend a lot of time looking and worrying about where he may have gone.The coyotes have gotten several of my cats in the past and that is why Mr.Peaches has been and indoor cat. It is tempting at times to just let him go but I know better and miss them so much when they do not return. Jiggs is only here for a few more days and goes home again on Monday, then I have two labs coming ( different owners) they will probably have a good time playing together as both are only about a year old or so. However one is only here for a day and a night. The other is here for four days. It does keep life interesting anyway with all the coming and going.
Last Sunday Gramma came by to help me groom the dogs. Actually its the other way around. She does the combing out and I hold the dog down. although Keeper used to not mind being combed out at all, now in her old age she finds it uncomfortable and kicks up quite a fuss. She yodels and hollers and struggles with all her might. I think in the end she just wore herself out and then accepted it was going to be done in any case. she got "the works" with teeth scaled and nails clipped as well. Then it was Tekos turn and he certainly wasn't impressed and only ever having his teeth done under anaesthetic, would not comply so that didn't happen with him. They both looked lovely after and felt so soft. All that awful dead hair now in a bag for the garbage. And no, Gramma does not hire out! She does this once a year cause she loves us. I am supposed to do a daily comb out but how can I when it takes two people? None of my friends are as into dogs as I am so it is hard to ask anyone for help. I imagine Sandi or Judy would help me but they don't live here so it just does not get done. I hate it and Keeper hates and its easier not to. Still I get lectures alla time. So with that in mind I am going to try for Sunday grooming sessions and see hoe that goes. HMM, Sunday is already tomorrow!
The dog topic for today is "TRAINING", I have long been an advocate of good training on a dog. it not only makes your life easier it makes everyone's life easier that comes in contact with your dog. That is not to say because you have learned to live around your dogs bad habits in peace that it is actually trained. Nope, YOU are trained! Consider this, if something happened to you and your dog had to go to another home to live, do you think it would work out?? We cannot guarantee that we will be there for the dog' entire lifetime and therefore the best thing we can do is send out a well-behaved animal. Well adjusted and balanced would help also. A balanced dog does not get into fights or bark just to hear themselves and most importantly comes to its name!
Not too far in the past I took on a rescue dog I called Chance. I really liked him and he seemed pretty obedient and I loved the look of him. he didn't mind being outside and had a wondrous coat to protect him. he was an Australian Shepherd and a good looking fellow. He did not bark a lot and so he lived in the back yard, coming in at night to sleep in the porch and having occasional visits in the house. he was a bit of a buffoon and not graceful inside so outside worked well for both of us. He seemed to be a balanced dog but I knew better when I got him as he had fought with another dog where he was and torn its ear to the cost of a $100.00 vet bill. So I watched him-especially when I had other boarders. Although I worried about him fighting I still took him off leash to the dog walk place and never had an incident. i even took him into dog class with me. Then came the day when I had Teko staying here and put him outside while Chance was in the yard, I was busy vacuuming and never heard a sound but when I went to let Teko in I saw blood all over the cement walk! I let him in and poor baby had indeed been in a war. His left eye was all red looking and later I found he had wounds on either side of him as well. Double puncture wounds decorated either side of him and it was difficult to pick him up. This time the vet bill was $400.00+! I made an appointment to have the dog put down but on the day phoned and cancelled it as I thought I had found a new owner for him. That didn't work out and in the end I kept Chance with me. In the meantime. for three weeks there was Teko to doctor. He needed a muzzle and every day I went and washed his wounds and kept the drain tubes clean. There were pills to give also, and Cheese Whiz worked wonders! Eventually the little dog healed up and was his old self but I still felt badly about it all. Bea insisted on reimbursing me for the vet bill, saying that I had been doing her a favour. I didn't feel right about that either but it was easier to take it than to fight with Bea about it. Eventually last summer it became necessary for me to look after Teko once again and I remember promising Bea Chance would not have another opportunity to get Teko because I would not let it happen. Then came the day I had all three dogs in the house and a man rang the doorbell. This was cause for excitement as it seldom happens and even Chance barked. I slipped out onto the porch sans dogs to say I could not talk out there and the crap hit the fan in the house.When I got back inside Teko was heading for the kitchen hollering his head off and yes Chance had done it again. Only this time there was only one hole in his side and the vet bill was only $75.00! But the writing was now on the wall. I would not and could not change Chances outlook on life. I hadn't caused the problem and after two years I had not been able to change his behavior. I had only learned to live around it. I liked Chance a lot and he was my kind of dog in many ways, but it was probably only a matter of time before he actually killed another dog. I could not afford to keep such an animal and with a heavy heart I took him to the vet and had euthanised. I miss him still and although I can say I gave him two more happy years, I could not see passing him on to other unsuspecting owners. He was a happy dog and ecstatic to have one on one attention at any time. Whatever had happened in his past had changed him from being a balanced animal to one with problems that I couldn't solve.And so the question to ask yourself is...would someone enjoy looking after your dog on a permanent basis or are you just creating and unbalanced dog that will meet the same kind of end as Chance?
And that is his story to the beset of my knowledge. We all must be trainers from the time we take on the responsibility of a dog.
Tuesday, 19 June 2012
A Slower Day??
Things have been REALLY quiet here in Miracle House and I have been enjoying it. But of course I still have three furry friends I live with and they continue to keep things moving anyway. My hairdresser this morning suggested I should put on the blog the latest thing with Teko. He has been very good for a Chihuahua that has had to adjust to many changes. The other night he was remiss and had an "assident". I always check to see if old Keeper has had one but she seems to travel as she poops and it is easier to spot. This time I had no clue until I went to hurry out the door and stepped in it and slid! Now its bad enough when you step in it outside but inside in your SLIPPERS!? I was NOT impressed and Teko's ears should have been burning off for the things I said! Also normally and often Teko just does a teeny little poo the size of a slug. Not so this time! He must have been saving it for a special occasion? Between working on the farms(and one dog kennel with 250 dogs) and always having animals I figure I should probably receive and honorary S_ _ T shovelling degree soon, if not the real thing. Oh, Well as they say _ _IT HAPPENS!
On the horizon of pet-sitting in Miracle House, we have Jiggs returning for a week tomorrow and later on the next week a new lab I haven't had before named Belle. She's only coming for four says but this all helps to keep the coffers ..well if not full at least not empty. I just got scammed out of $200.00 to get my email up and working so am somewhat sensitive about money and I have yet to start paying for my new-to-me computer. Oh well that's all in the past now (and I guess a bit in the future as well?) and I imagine I will get by one way or another.
Just had some people to come out and meet and greet etc. They have a young lab cross and he seemed a mellow fellow anyway although young and Keeper and Teko thought they would have to warn him a bit about basic manners. Can't blame them and the dog took it well so we have a deal for the occasional overnighter. Anyway can't concentrate any further and my day seems to be taking off again so THASSIT for now!
On the horizon of pet-sitting in Miracle House, we have Jiggs returning for a week tomorrow and later on the next week a new lab I haven't had before named Belle. She's only coming for four says but this all helps to keep the coffers ..well if not full at least not empty. I just got scammed out of $200.00 to get my email up and working so am somewhat sensitive about money and I have yet to start paying for my new-to-me computer. Oh well that's all in the past now (and I guess a bit in the future as well?) and I imagine I will get by one way or another.
Just had some people to come out and meet and greet etc. They have a young lab cross and he seemed a mellow fellow anyway although young and Keeper and Teko thought they would have to warn him a bit about basic manners. Can't blame them and the dog took it well so we have a deal for the occasional overnighter. Anyway can't concentrate any further and my day seems to be taking off again so THASSIT for now!
Sunday, 17 June 2012
Just Another Day
I do intend to get back to writing stories of my past again but for now will just do post of the present again. In my search to get my email straightened out I ended up on some kind of site that phoned me and then fixed everything for---$200.00! I cannot tell you why I was so foolish as to agree to their terms and give them my credit card info but I think I have learned a big-time lesson. Of course after the fact all sorts of people have other solutions but at the time that's what happened. these young bucks can really charm a silly old lady like me and there you have it. Well its something I have to live with now and at least I do have email again and have found another guy that helps as well. I haven't even started to pay for this computer and have some friends that think I was "took" on that as well but will again have to stand by my decisions. Once again I find myself assuring me that "things Will All Work Out In The End.
Teko had and "assident" on the rug the other day and I didn't see it and stepped in it with my SLIPPERS! and actually slid in it! YECH, bad enough when that happens outside but inside!!! Pardon the pun but he was definitely one the shit-list after that and did not redeem himself until the evening when he actually came to me and put his paws on my knee and wanted out!! He does so know where he is supposed to go!! But in the night he cannot reach me so I guess I have to put up with some of this. I mean I wake up at 5:00 a.m. and they were let out at 11:00p.m. so you would think even a little dog like him might make 7 hours but not so, apparently. Oh well it does clean up anyway.
I had a date to meet here with Gramma K to comb out the dogs and went to town and forgot about what with walking the dogs and people to talk to etc. Got back to a note that she has waited until 11:00 but don't know when she arrived so am thinking an hour and i am probably on that same list as Teko was?? Because it was not raining and I felt guilty I put a blanket on the outdoor table and did Teko and most of Keeper but they fight so much it is a real chore. Teko would not be still and I quicked one of his nails and then when I did the same with old Keeper I decided to quit for the day. It doesn't make doing them the next time any easier but luckily they may not forget but they do forgive. I think I liked it better in the old days when I had my Aussie dog. She would start to look really woolly and I would do battle with combing her out but it was only once a year. I remember once when Kay was chastising me, Nick just told her to leave me alone as they were farm dogs and so they were. Don't know as I ever did Aussies nails or her daughters -Skidder.. but they ran and went on rides with me a lot and maybe kept them worn down??Keeper used to be great for combing out and doing nails and would just lay there half asleep but that stopped as she aged and now she just doesn't want messed with at all. Can kind of understand that too. Old bones and bodies hurt more and are more sensitive to such tortures as grooming presents. But we should be good for awhile now.
Just got some news from a friend in England that she and her hubby are coming over to Van. and they are going to rent a car and come up and see me. Holy cow! Clare is a friend of my buddy Judy's and came to Kaslo many years ago for a visit and now she is coming again. Great! I love company and they will probably take me out for a supper or two which I will love as well. No date yet but that doesn't really matter, I had no plans to go anywhere anyway. I still hve to dung out the spare room sometime soon fro a friends brother that comes up for three or four days as he has said he is coming this year. He golfs so I am hoping he doesn't come until this weather has cleared up. It has to sometime??Right? so thassit for now.
Teko had and "assident" on the rug the other day and I didn't see it and stepped in it with my SLIPPERS! and actually slid in it! YECH, bad enough when that happens outside but inside!!! Pardon the pun but he was definitely one the shit-list after that and did not redeem himself until the evening when he actually came to me and put his paws on my knee and wanted out!! He does so know where he is supposed to go!! But in the night he cannot reach me so I guess I have to put up with some of this. I mean I wake up at 5:00 a.m. and they were let out at 11:00p.m. so you would think even a little dog like him might make 7 hours but not so, apparently. Oh well it does clean up anyway.
I had a date to meet here with Gramma K to comb out the dogs and went to town and forgot about what with walking the dogs and people to talk to etc. Got back to a note that she has waited until 11:00 but don't know when she arrived so am thinking an hour and i am probably on that same list as Teko was?? Because it was not raining and I felt guilty I put a blanket on the outdoor table and did Teko and most of Keeper but they fight so much it is a real chore. Teko would not be still and I quicked one of his nails and then when I did the same with old Keeper I decided to quit for the day. It doesn't make doing them the next time any easier but luckily they may not forget but they do forgive. I think I liked it better in the old days when I had my Aussie dog. She would start to look really woolly and I would do battle with combing her out but it was only once a year. I remember once when Kay was chastising me, Nick just told her to leave me alone as they were farm dogs and so they were. Don't know as I ever did Aussies nails or her daughters -Skidder.. but they ran and went on rides with me a lot and maybe kept them worn down??Keeper used to be great for combing out and doing nails and would just lay there half asleep but that stopped as she aged and now she just doesn't want messed with at all. Can kind of understand that too. Old bones and bodies hurt more and are more sensitive to such tortures as grooming presents. But we should be good for awhile now.
Just got some news from a friend in England that she and her hubby are coming over to Van. and they are going to rent a car and come up and see me. Holy cow! Clare is a friend of my buddy Judy's and came to Kaslo many years ago for a visit and now she is coming again. Great! I love company and they will probably take me out for a supper or two which I will love as well. No date yet but that doesn't really matter, I had no plans to go anywhere anyway. I still hve to dung out the spare room sometime soon fro a friends brother that comes up for three or four days as he has said he is coming this year. He golfs so I am hoping he doesn't come until this weather has cleared up. It has to sometime??Right? so thassit for now.
Thursday, 14 June 2012
All Good in Miracle House!
Hey Everyone, its NOT raining and that has got to be a good thing. Makes a bog difference to my outlook on life. I learnt a few things yesterday about vehicles that Hamish taught me and I guess life is made up of all sorts of learning experiences-whether you particularly want them or not. As I went striding across the rug to go outside I stepped in and slid on dog crap! Thanks a bunch Teko! How to really make my day but for a past offender-this has only happened a couple of times in the two months he has lived with me. He later made up for it by actually coming to the computer and getting on my knee to tell me he would like out! Most amazing- but that also means he KNOWS he is supposed to do it outside. I don't know of anyone who lets their dogs out more than me, Any time I go to the kitchen and the dogs follow they know they also have to go outside rain or shine. I feed then early in an attempt to get all body functions looked after to hold them for the night and I think I am winning but know I will need a new carpet in the end. Neither dog is young so I have to be somewhat forgiving even though I am not happy about assidents or pissidents in the house. The vet told me some time ago that if I don't want to put Keeper down I will have to put up with this. And I don't so I will.
I spent some time yesterday trying to get my email back but although it sounded like the telus gal knew what she was doing she was not successful. At least I know most of my good friends are reading this and know I am doing okay and they don't have to phone to see if I am sick or something. I'm okay girls and still working on getting this computer to where I want it. Now to start paying for it. I also managed to get my cleaning done at the Seniors hall, my back has improved somewhat but still hurts and today there are two churches to do. Just have to grin and bear it. Again the good old adage or "Whatever it Takes" comes to mind. I thank Ann for that one!
Had a nice visit with Herb and Fay Thompson last night, I rarely go out in the evening but he has asked for some Riding Club photos so I thought I would just take them over and be done with it. Herb is nothing if he is not tenacious so it was easier this way. I quite enjoyed talking horse stories and heard a few new ones from him. He insists I quit riding too soon but it was necessary at the time. He was right as horses not only keep you humble they keep you in decent shape. My hat goes off to all the people I know older than me that are still riding and working at it. But now I am into dogs and am happy enough with that. Just took another booking for the end of the month. Its just a four day stint and happens when I am off work from Animal Control so that makes things easier. Maybe we can even play? I played so very much with Keeper over her lifetime that I do miss that. She probably does as well but she is doing okay and recently has even been putzing in the lake a bit and seems to know her limits. I don't know what I would do if she just went in swimming again, Oh yes I do I would worry like crazy. Recall is limited at best with a deaf dog but we seem to manage with hand clapping. It works as long as I am close enough to her.
I wouldn't want to live in the city but have adjusted to life here in town. There are advantages for sure, like snowplowing before 8:00 a.m. in the mornings and garbage pickup and neighbours not far away for help etc.And downtown is only like five minutes away. For this stage of my life it is okay. At the time it certainly broke my heart to leave my beloved farm but there you go I started a whole new epoch and its all working out not too badly anyway although as always there were worries at times. One thing for sure I have never been bored and after the five dogs episode am enjoying the quiet of just us "elderlies" here in the house. Oops that does not include Mr.Peaches as he is young and recently took a flying leap and climbed the curtain in my bedroom quite easily. He is a very bold guy and not afraid of any of the new dogs that come here but one that he knows would like to kill him and then her just keeps a low profile. So for the moment I can honestly say "It's All good" in Miracle House and I appreciate that too!
I spent some time yesterday trying to get my email back but although it sounded like the telus gal knew what she was doing she was not successful. At least I know most of my good friends are reading this and know I am doing okay and they don't have to phone to see if I am sick or something. I'm okay girls and still working on getting this computer to where I want it. Now to start paying for it. I also managed to get my cleaning done at the Seniors hall, my back has improved somewhat but still hurts and today there are two churches to do. Just have to grin and bear it. Again the good old adage or "Whatever it Takes" comes to mind. I thank Ann for that one!
Had a nice visit with Herb and Fay Thompson last night, I rarely go out in the evening but he has asked for some Riding Club photos so I thought I would just take them over and be done with it. Herb is nothing if he is not tenacious so it was easier this way. I quite enjoyed talking horse stories and heard a few new ones from him. He insists I quit riding too soon but it was necessary at the time. He was right as horses not only keep you humble they keep you in decent shape. My hat goes off to all the people I know older than me that are still riding and working at it. But now I am into dogs and am happy enough with that. Just took another booking for the end of the month. Its just a four day stint and happens when I am off work from Animal Control so that makes things easier. Maybe we can even play? I played so very much with Keeper over her lifetime that I do miss that. She probably does as well but she is doing okay and recently has even been putzing in the lake a bit and seems to know her limits. I don't know what I would do if she just went in swimming again, Oh yes I do I would worry like crazy. Recall is limited at best with a deaf dog but we seem to manage with hand clapping. It works as long as I am close enough to her.
I wouldn't want to live in the city but have adjusted to life here in town. There are advantages for sure, like snowplowing before 8:00 a.m. in the mornings and garbage pickup and neighbours not far away for help etc.And downtown is only like five minutes away. For this stage of my life it is okay. At the time it certainly broke my heart to leave my beloved farm but there you go I started a whole new epoch and its all working out not too badly anyway although as always there were worries at times. One thing for sure I have never been bored and after the five dogs episode am enjoying the quiet of just us "elderlies" here in the house. Oops that does not include Mr.Peaches as he is young and recently took a flying leap and climbed the curtain in my bedroom quite easily. He is a very bold guy and not afraid of any of the new dogs that come here but one that he knows would like to kill him and then her just keeps a low profile. So for the moment I can honestly say "It's All good" in Miracle House and I appreciate that too!
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
Dead Batteries
Well this day is not starting out very well and I am so grateful to have BCAA. For the umpteenth time I left my key turned on in the van and yet again wore the battery out. I can't seem to comprehend that once you do up the push button windows you MUST remove the key or turn it off etc. I can't count how many times I have done this and am so pissed at me. But I am the only one that lives here so I have to get along with myself. I already know I am my own worst enemy. I cause me a lot of stress and work but there you go I don't seem to be able to change my ways at all. Most frustrating. At least I Do live by myself so don't have to hear a spouse berating me as well. But maybe I could have had one that just nicely went out and jumped it for me?? Or even better one that checked on me! and then said NOTHING! WOW! But here we are in real life waiting on Hamish to come and do his thing for the van and then I can go to work.
I did buy one of those little "starter" things in Walmart but it doesn't seem to do the job. When Hamish came last week (I did it then too) his little starter box wouldn't do the trick either and he jumped the van off his truck. Got me going anyway although my mechanic says this is not a good thing to do. He,(my mechanic) says I should leave the little starter box on there for awhile and I have but to no avail. I am a very poor waiter(as in having to wait) so that's why you find me babbling away here while I wait for help.Actually I have never needed so much help as since I left my ex. But then he was a welder/mechanic type guy so there were fringe benefits. and sometimes it didn't matter what you needed you learnt to do without or to improvise. All water under the bridge anyway now and there have been many people that have helped me in these past 8 years. I am grateful for that. there is life after a divorce-its just a little harder in different ways?
Oh boy now the little spell check thingy won't work. What next? Oh there we go it decided to wake up.Okay on my way bye
I did buy one of those little "starter" things in Walmart but it doesn't seem to do the job. When Hamish came last week (I did it then too) his little starter box wouldn't do the trick either and he jumped the van off his truck. Got me going anyway although my mechanic says this is not a good thing to do. He,(my mechanic) says I should leave the little starter box on there for awhile and I have but to no avail. I am a very poor waiter(as in having to wait) so that's why you find me babbling away here while I wait for help.Actually I have never needed so much help as since I left my ex. But then he was a welder/mechanic type guy so there were fringe benefits. and sometimes it didn't matter what you needed you learnt to do without or to improvise. All water under the bridge anyway now and there have been many people that have helped me in these past 8 years. I am grateful for that. there is life after a divorce-its just a little harder in different ways?
Oh boy now the little spell check thingy won't work. What next? Oh there we go it decided to wake up.Okay on my way bye
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
Pooper Scoopin'
Business for "Miracle House Pet sitting" continues to flourish and yesterday started off with a large husky or malamute coming for the day. Her name was Inga and she had recently had surgery on her legs (Cruciate tendons or something? Of course I had to go doggin' so we popped her in the back of my dogmobile and although she was upset for a few moments and barked she soon settled down and all was well. When I walked my two dogs I left her in the van as my back wasn't up to lifting her in again. She didn't care but by the time we got home she was glad to go into the back yard and tend to her bodily functions. A very quiet and shy dog, she was afraid to come in the house but once she did caused absolutely no upset. Very mannerly and when I passed by her she would attempt to get up and out of the way but with her leg problem I told her it was okay not to and she understood. I had a nice quiet afternoon resting my back until around four and then I puttered out in the front yard waiting for Ingas' owner to come. She did eventually and we chatted for a time and then they left and it was just me and mine.
I must say I am happy and proud of how Teko and Keeper have handled the different dogs coming and going. I hope that means they are balanced and confident in their home and me and life in general. I think it is good to shake up their lives every so often so they don't get possessive and jealous etc. And Mr.Peaches was most amazing! He showed absolutely no fear of any of the dogs. However I made a point of having him in the house at night on never left him in the porch when there was another dog around. He does like his privacy at times and simply opens the bedroom door and retreats to quiet when he fancies. I miss Max but boy is it calmer around here without him! JR's are just too busy! And calm and quiet are okay too. I enjoy it. Someone told Max's owner I didn't like JR's but really there are few dogs I dislike and I know if they are really misbehaved it is the owners fault not the dog's. In the end I was glad of the opportunity to work with Max and as I have said before I probably learned as much as he did! All good in the end.
I used to write for Pennywise about dogs and we called it the "Paws Up and Paws Down Corner" I think I will continue that here.
Today's topic is: Paws up to the pooper scoopers! Thank-you to those that accept responsibility for their pets and pick up after them. That keeps our town cleaner and the places where you walk your dogs as well. I have always felt that if you have a dog you get the bark. the bite. and the POOP! You get to deal with those things in order for your dog not to cause other people problems. Our small village even provides stands with pooper bags for your convenience although I think any dog owner should come prepared at all times. Got the dog? Have the bags! So..."Paws Up" to those that deal with this and "Paws Down" and shame on you to those that leave it behind for someone to step in it!
I must say I am happy and proud of how Teko and Keeper have handled the different dogs coming and going. I hope that means they are balanced and confident in their home and me and life in general. I think it is good to shake up their lives every so often so they don't get possessive and jealous etc. And Mr.Peaches was most amazing! He showed absolutely no fear of any of the dogs. However I made a point of having him in the house at night on never left him in the porch when there was another dog around. He does like his privacy at times and simply opens the bedroom door and retreats to quiet when he fancies. I miss Max but boy is it calmer around here without him! JR's are just too busy! And calm and quiet are okay too. I enjoy it. Someone told Max's owner I didn't like JR's but really there are few dogs I dislike and I know if they are really misbehaved it is the owners fault not the dog's. In the end I was glad of the opportunity to work with Max and as I have said before I probably learned as much as he did! All good in the end.
I used to write for Pennywise about dogs and we called it the "Paws Up and Paws Down Corner" I think I will continue that here.
Today's topic is: Paws up to the pooper scoopers! Thank-you to those that accept responsibility for their pets and pick up after them. That keeps our town cleaner and the places where you walk your dogs as well. I have always felt that if you have a dog you get the bark. the bite. and the POOP! You get to deal with those things in order for your dog not to cause other people problems. Our small village even provides stands with pooper bags for your convenience although I think any dog owner should come prepared at all times. Got the dog? Have the bags! So..."Paws Up" to those that deal with this and "Paws Down" and shame on you to those that leave it behind for someone to step in it!
Monday, 11 June 2012
Bye Max-Agility
My dear friend Max went home last night. His presence is missed for sure. he just seemed to fill the house and now it seems a lot emptier. However I remind myself that a certain amount of worry and responsibility went with him! An hour or so before his owner arrived he managed to pull an ornament out of a fishbowl I have flowers and rocks and marbles in. This was a small turtle with a glass ball attached to make it float. I didn't notice what he was into until I heard the glass ball break and saw him trying to eat it!! I managed to get most of it but he is so fast he may have swallowed some-don't know. I went to bed with visions of all sorts of things tucked in a corner of Max's stomach and wonder how these puppies ever make it to adulthood. I am hoping and praying he has a cast iron stomach and all bad things pass on thru! Max was most excited with the return of his owner and also the fact that he had not had his usual walk yesterday as it was so rainy. We did manage short demo of the agility course in the back yard(the tunnel and three jumps). He did well although still needs to understand it better. With their bountiful energy I can certainly see how JR's do so well at games. And fast! Whewie! Max and I spent several hours on the couch as I have a bad back. That's the thing about dogs-they adapt themselves to whatever you are doing or not doing for that matter. At this point in time max is not a yappy dog at all but he will bark when people arrive. That's fine by me as one of the reasons we have dogs is to alert us, I think. he will quiet down when told firmly and I appreciate that as well. My two dogs have hearing problems so cannot be trusted to accurately warn me of visitors and that happens very seldom anyway(visitor's I mean)
When I started Keeper on agility she totally loved it and was pretty fast for and "aged" dog,being past ten. I could see right away I would not be able to keep up and soon she would do the whole line of obstacles by herself and wait for me at the end table for her treat and then do them all the way back again! If I ran with her she got quite happy and excited and would even yark about it. We had a lot of fun with it and once even went to an event that Linda Murray put on. It was there we got to see the professional obstacles for the first time. the tunnel was something else and large enough to accommodate the larger dogs. The teeter-totter was interesting also and it was all a nice adventure and learning experience for us both. Back home, I dreamt about an agility club coming together but have never been able to interest too many people in that. And lets face it, its all work and time out of ones' busy schedule. Not having any money to invest in jumps etc. I set about improvising things into jumps. Short metal headboard pieces became small jumps when bits of 2x4's were drilled to accommodate the "legs" and make them stand up. A childs' wind tunnel made an excellent "tunnel". My step-daughter gave me the first one and be darned if when it fell apart a kindly couple here in town replaced it for me! The "chicken coop"(I think it is called) consists of a large piece of plywood attached to another piece by a hinge so you have something the dogs can go up and then down again. I also had to add rungs for grip. My husband made this for me-alas, I am now getting to old to move the damn thing and in fact need assistance to set up my course now. In any event I have added the agility as a fun thing to do after the obedience classes I give. Its kind of a break from the learning and something fun for owners and dogs. I have been fortunate to be able to use the Riding Grounds to store my jumps and also to give lessons there. On some years we have even given a demo on the may day weekend. but it all depends on how well the dogs will listen.
Most dogs seem to enjoy it a lot and love to please of course. Not being very athletic any more, I set the obstacles and jumps up in a straight line as I am not about to run all over the arena. I realise this makes the dog and owner "think" but this is what works for me. I also do not change tables accordingly but use two tables that are easy for most dogs and stick with that. After all I don't have a grounds crew either. some years when I was giving both spring and fall obedience class I left the jumps up for people to use whenever they liked. But bottom line is, it has never taken off well here in Kaslo.(Apologies for change in print-don't know what I hit for that) Nowadays. Keeper is far past any agility so I have no dog to use but if there is interest out there--let me know!
When I started Keeper on agility she totally loved it and was pretty fast for and "aged" dog,being past ten. I could see right away I would not be able to keep up and soon she would do the whole line of obstacles by herself and wait for me at the end table for her treat and then do them all the way back again! If I ran with her she got quite happy and excited and would even yark about it. We had a lot of fun with it and once even went to an event that Linda Murray put on. It was there we got to see the professional obstacles for the first time. the tunnel was something else and large enough to accommodate the larger dogs. The teeter-totter was interesting also and it was all a nice adventure and learning experience for us both. Back home, I dreamt about an agility club coming together but have never been able to interest too many people in that. And lets face it, its all work and time out of ones' busy schedule. Not having any money to invest in jumps etc. I set about improvising things into jumps. Short metal headboard pieces became small jumps when bits of 2x4's were drilled to accommodate the "legs" and make them stand up. A childs' wind tunnel made an excellent "tunnel". My step-daughter gave me the first one and be darned if when it fell apart a kindly couple here in town replaced it for me! The "chicken coop"(I think it is called) consists of a large piece of plywood attached to another piece by a hinge so you have something the dogs can go up and then down again. I also had to add rungs for grip. My husband made this for me-alas, I am now getting to old to move the damn thing and in fact need assistance to set up my course now. In any event I have added the agility as a fun thing to do after the obedience classes I give. Its kind of a break from the learning and something fun for owners and dogs. I have been fortunate to be able to use the Riding Grounds to store my jumps and also to give lessons there. On some years we have even given a demo on the may day weekend. but it all depends on how well the dogs will listen.
Most dogs seem to enjoy it a lot and love to please of course. Not being very athletic any more, I set the obstacles and jumps up in a straight line as I am not about to run all over the arena. I realise this makes the dog and owner "think" but this is what works for me. I also do not change tables accordingly but use two tables that are easy for most dogs and stick with that. After all I don't have a grounds crew either. some years when I was giving both spring and fall obedience class I left the jumps up for people to use whenever they liked. But bottom line is, it has never taken off well here in Kaslo.(Apologies for change in print-don't know what I hit for that) Nowadays. Keeper is far past any agility so I have no dog to use but if there is interest out there--let me know!
Saturday, 9 June 2012
Living To The Max
Its getting so all these blogs are running together in my mind and I am not sure what happened on what day. I have gotten very used to living with Max and now its time to go back to how things were before his arrival. Boy-oh-boy I'm gonna miss him, but that's how it goes I guess and until next time I will have to manage. So much rain we haven't done any agility for a couple of days but I am sure he won't forget. Max spent a good part of the day destroying a stuffy. Its the second one to meet its' demise at his strong little teeth and what the heck? It kept him happy and busy too, and he doesn't eat the stuffing. He and I had a long afternoon sleep on the couch. When he's going he's going and when he's out he's definitely out. Doesn't move at all. I can't say I will miss the “patter of little feet” that's far too slow for Max. He's more like the gallop of four on the floor! He really makes me think at times and has obviously been taught to “Drop It!” That's a good one as he is forever picking up non-edibles. He came by the other day and had the squeaky thing from the first stuffy he emptied and when I told him to, dropped it right at my feet. What a guy but he gave me pause when he went by the first time and squeaked it in his mouth!
I decided yesterday that we could not work on his recall unless he was loose at some point in time, so I opened the door and all three dogs went out. Max tore down to the vehicles and kept going! I thought “Oh boy! Now I've done it But I called his name and then said “Cookies” like I had the night before with Maddie and he came tearing back to me! Unbelievable! Just when you think you are not getting through to him he proves you wrong and shows you just how clever he really is –when he wants to be!
I have been doing a great deal of walking and finally my left knee is telling me about it and getting rather painful at times. One person suggested it'd the rainy cold weather doing that to me and that would be okay as the rain will one day go away and I would not even want to think of having yet another arthroscopy. The last time did a real number on me and I didn't have the stairs then that I do now.
I have a new-to-me computer coming in today and may not be able to write any more posts for a few days but I have so gotten into writing that I will be back at some point. I can't seem to get in touch with Telus and dread phoning them anyway. Apparently I will need a different wireless connector thing or something? We'll see how it goes. Although I am not looking forward to learning a whole bunch of new stuff once again once I do things should go a lot smoother? Maybe for years!!? That will be nice.
Between my writing and Max being on front street everyday he is becoming quite famous! When people stop and want to talk we say “Visit” and he knows he doesn't have to “heel” any more. People ask if “That's him?” etc. And it has all been a lot of fun. If you want to stay young just get a JR! They really enjoy life to the...well ,,Max! I must say it has been a very unusual two weeks living with Maximilian Jack Russell! That's it for now,hope you have enjoyed his stories!! JMD
Friday, 8 June 2012
More Max Days
Sorry for the lapse in postings the past couple of days folks but I have been experiencing technical difficulties with my computer. I have a different one coming tomorrow and hopefully will be okay for awhile. How does one manage without a computer again?? Answer for me anyway- Not Well! I missed it a lot and it changed my whole lifestyle. Meanwhile back at Miracle House Pet sitting things have continued to be happening. Young Max discovered the cats' shitty box! I heard him and he had gotten it moved so it effectively trapped him in a corner. The lickin' stick was handy and a few pops of that and much berating and he has not been near it again. Of course it was only a matter of time before he found it anyway-you don't get much past a JR. They “find” everything! And much that would be better off lost. I shall find life rather dull when he goes home and may have to visit him often for my JR “fix”, or would it just be a Max fix?? I really shouldn't lump them all together as I have no other JR's to compare him with.
Max’s' training has continued and although there is much more I would like to teach him time and my energy are running out. “Miracles” take longer even in Miracle House!
Maddie returned for a day and Max liked that and had someone to terrorize besides the older dogs-although thankfully he has left Keeper alone. Wednesday was the rainiest of days and Maddie didn't really want to be in the yard so I had her in the porch a lot after our walk. After supper she let me know that she wasn’t really happy and I figure it is my job to keep the dogs as happy as possible so I took her and Max out for a second walk. I did the unthinkable and turned them both loose at the park. I was banking on Maddies fairly good recall to get Max to come and it worked. I did it several times and reinforced things with cookies. Max ran as hard as he could run back to me after that. Recall is SO important and I wish people would spend more time on it at a puppies very early age. It could save their life! Of course Max's curiosity and energy work against him on that. Still, I was most pleased with the results. Wait til his owner is told to holler “Cookies!” for her dog to return. Too funny but whatever works. I have laid down the gauntlet to the owners of the three JR's at Teresa’s for a “Recall contest of $100 on which dog will return soonest. Foolishly I offered a bet of $100.00(which of course I don't have and can't afford) but I don't think they are going to take me up on it. Was most pleased to have Dave tell me I had done a good job on Max as they have been up front in seeing it happen. Its not often I get a pat on the back and I certainly glory in the few I do get. However I have been happy with the results my own self so there you go! Anyone else with a JR that's up for training?? He leaves on Sunday and it is coming all too soon! Max has certainly wrapped his paws around my heart and I really didn't see this coming at all! How long does it take to love a JR? Well for me I was done by the first week! Max is personality plus! Of course I love all the dogs that come here and they get to be favourites in no time at all. I am really enjoying having steady customers that return. Previous visits make it “old hat” for the dogs and me and we don't need to go through all that adjusting once we know each other.
I recently discovered Max does NOT like clothes and thinks them rather silly, He squirms and really does not like “getting dressed”. So he didn't wear the nice little raincoat that fits him and I only got one toenail clipped as he doesn't like that either. But it was a curled toenail and the one that mattered so I guess we could call that a stalemate? It has certainly been a crazy couple of weeks and if Max learned a lot so did I! If you think you'r life is a bit boring just try getting a Jack Russell. By the way one friend commented that they should be called Jack Russell Terrorists not Terriers. That’s almost as good as the misspelling of Cairn Terrier at the Village. They put down “Carrion” Terrier. I thought that was pretty funny and tell every Cairn Terrier owner about it. Thassit for today folks! We still have until Sunday anyway!
Sunday, 3 June 2012
Dogs Are Wonderful!
Uh-oh, I'm in love! Didn't think this would happen but after one week of keeping company for 24-7 I have fallen head over heels for a little boy named Maximilian! We had a wonderful day yesterday with him listening rather well and when we got home for nap time he went in his crate but I let him out to do the pee thing outside when Keeper asked to go out and when we laid down again there was Max! Right with me. What a cuddle bum! Lovely little dog. After my many comments about Jack Russell’s I am totally sold and just love this little guy all to pieces. But of course this affair can go nowhere as he is taken and I know Linda will never part with him. What am I saying??? But anyway that's how it is and I will miss him dearly when he goes home. In the meantime we still have a whole 'nother week! I guess the only way to understand a JR is to have one around.
After our walk we stopped for a visit with the Milners who were at Bea's house and ended up taking Jiggs uptown with us while we found a phone number etc. Its all good and with only three dogs it doesn't seem to be that much work and worry any more. Can you relax and live with a JR? Yes you can although you do have to watch young ones. I guess part of the peace around here is that Max has figured out the schedule and how things work-also the big dogs have gone home so not so many distractions.
I finally managed to get my photos off my camera and hope to have some of them included on my blog.(Diaryofadogcatcher@blogspot,com) One of the photos is of Jiggs in his snood.
This is kind of a little bag, open on both ends that when slipped on his head prevents his ears from being gin his food. I'm afraid I did have to laugh at him but Jiggs takes it all in stride. His “snood” never made it here this time so I though I was pretty clever in using a headband on him but didn't get a photos of that. He really is a good sport and a wonderful dog as well. I knew it before but this past session of five dogs had really enforced the fact that “DOGS ARE WONDERFUL!' I am very happy in this job. Back to work tomorrow but its been a blast these past couple of weeks. Max has done so much travelling with me I know he will be fine going to work with me. He pops into the Dogmobile and then into his cat crate with no problem whatsoever. What a clever little duck he is and also getting to be obedient which I really appreciate! Alas I know he will break my heart when he leaves.
This is kind of a little bag, open on both ends that when slipped on his head prevents his ears from being gin his food. I'm afraid I did have to laugh at him but Jiggs takes it all in stride. His “snood” never made it here this time so I though I was pretty clever in using a headband on him but didn't get a photos of that. He really is a good sport and a wonderful dog as well. I knew it before but this past session of five dogs had really enforced the fact that “DOGS ARE WONDERFUL!' I am very happy in this job. Back to work tomorrow but its been a blast these past couple of weeks. Max has done so much travelling with me I know he will be fine going to work with me. He pops into the Dogmobile and then into his cat crate with no problem whatsoever. What a clever little duck he is and also getting to be obedient which I really appreciate! Alas I know he will break my heart when he leaves.
I haven't figured out how to put photos on things so cannot include one of my lovely little boy. But he really is a handsome fellow!! Thassit for today. Oh yeah when I vacuumed the rug I think the nose of the teddy went up there so Max didn't eat it after all but we don't know for sure. 'Till tomorrow, keep doggin' JMD
Saturday, 2 June 2012
Pissidents & Assidents
Wow 'nother day! You know you are getting 'dogerized' when you go to bed at night and find a roll of pooper bags in the pocket of your pyjamas! It would be nice if it warmed up, I would like to try Max on a bit of agility and that was my first thought this morning upon waking. I think he would do well and it would be great stimulation (like he needs it?) but would also be a fun way to employ a little obedience as well. When 'last call' came last night old Keeper took one look at the rain and decided she didn't need to pee. Oh Well her choice, unless she has a problem in the night-which hasn't happened since the other dogs arrived! Great!
Because of the appearance of the fourth dog-the male black lab, Max was usurped on his training in town. Instead I put two signs on the black dog and walked him up and down front street in hopes someone would recognize him. They said “DO YOU KNOW ME? I AM LOST”. A Lady in the Insurance office suggested it might be Finnegan and finally when another woman from Sunnyside was sure it was he and told me where to take him I did. I should have known it was him but just didn't twig. He has been in trouble for killing chickens and also once did in a Raven at the school. His owners have parted company from each other and poor Finnegan really doesn't know where he is supposed to be right now and obviously no one is keeping tabs on him. Ah well I can't change owners attitudes and make them better but they don't deserve such a good dog.
A good friend and I call bodily function accidents with the dogs “Pissidents” and “Assidents” and there have been none for a couple of days. Then this morning just a couple of minutes ago the cat came over and had a pisssident right on my long lap rug!! I couldn't believe it and at first thought it was Max lying on my feet. Not so! Man! They are all out to drive me nuts. So Mr.Peaches has been put in the porch to think about his bathroom habits and I had better clean out his shitty box as maybe it is my fault??
I gave Max a small teddy bear to play with and later heard “crunch crunch” and went to see what he was doing and of course he was chewing the nose out. I got one piece but in the process of running him down he simply swallowed the other. Hopefully it was small enough to pass, although with all he eats(dust bunnies,goose poop and anything small that he comes across) its a wonder he is still alive! I looked in his mouth and think he is actually teething with the back molars coming in so of course he wants to do a lot of chewing. He has also picked up on the morning sleep thing. After the first pee break you come back in and 'cause the boss is just on the computer and isn't going to feed you until 7:00 a.m., you may as well catch some more zees. Its the quietest time of the day I tell you! But as the hour hand on the clock gets closer to 7 there are often many “looks” and trips to the kitchen to see if I somehow quietly put down everyone’s food without them hearing about it. Fat chance of that happening. The other two may be getting deaf but Max can hear a fart I am sure! Uh-oh I am getting a tad “common” so will just wrap this up for today and let you know in the next post how today goes. Thassit everyone! JMD
Friday, 1 June 2012
Lost Dogs and Learnin' Dogs
Oh boy! Another busy day! I think I am doing very well for a not-so-young-person. With two dogs gone I was running rather late yesterday but then having a Jack Russell around is like many dogs anyway. They (at least Max anyway) can be described in three words-fast,busy and active all the time! He is so funny! We reached success in the poop department because what I found on the carpet had been done before he went in his crate. I figure I won yesterday and got him outside enough times for long enough to get the “business” taken care of-outside! But I really don't think he understands that’s where to do it. First thing in the morning he can't get out fast enough for a pee but after that he won't always go out. After all, the big dogs are not around to play with-only the Old (Keeper) and the Cranky (Teko). I really don't like a defiant dog so have “run him down” several times. When finally caught his little heart beats like a trip hammer but its all part and parcel of learning. The leash lesson went well and Max has now figured out the “sit” part and is wise to the turnaround as well. Its always a plus when the dog is watching for the turnaround. Means he understands and is paying attention. Good for Maximiilan! We are dispensing with treats for everything and he will crate for the command now-although it may have to be repeated so he knows you are serious. Max is a big boy now and is handling it very well. Looking after him is like having a little kid around and I am always checking to see what he is up to now, kind of thing. Went to check him in the front room yesterday and couldn't see him-turned around and there he was checking on me! This morning I looked and looked for my slippers and really was wondering where they could be. Well, on the couch of course! That’s where Max thought they should be! Another little “habit” we are dealing with is him scratching at my knee while I am on computer. Max dislikes loud noises and a simple smack of the “likin' stick”(a rolled up newspaper in my hand was enough to get the idea across of what “Off” means. On a return visit I had only to reach for the stick and he understood. Its important to say “Off” when a dog jumps on you because later “Down” will mean lie down not get down. The ball on a strap has had a good going over with many thumps on the floor as he shook it and “killed” it. So much to learn and Max is eating it up,
Besides my usual board money, my reward is seeing him learn. As soon as he was put on a leash with a choke chain he learned the big one-”RESPECT”. It was obvious and I was glad to see it as it proves he does have all his marbles its just his breed working against obedience. I mean after all he is supposed to spending his day catching and killing rats!
After our morning walk, I was kept busy looking for a stray dog (although I am on holiday). Never did see it but have the dog in mind – it runs so much people have christened it Hobo as it kind of looks like a smaller version of the “littlest Hobo”? Then we had a normal day except for leaving the dogs for an appt. at hospital. There has been no word on the boxer female that disappeared and the owners are really out looking for it. Someone must have it or else it has met its end? Later I got a phone call regarding a found dog but it was a Male LabX. Always room for one more so it took Maddies place in the porch last night and seems a nice quiet dog. He has white on his chest and many white toes. He has taken to sitting on the rocking lounge and watching out the window but this allows the dogs inside to see him and Teko whom I thought was near blind with cataracts insists on sounding the alarm when he sees him through the window. Silly little fart. The dog seems to be waiting for its owners to come and its a bit heartbreaking so I hope they phone soon-will phone the vets and let them know as well.And that is our present status for today and it looks to be another good one. Woof 'til tomorrow!!JMD
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