Dog Catcher

Dog Catcher

Friday, 25 May 2012

Room For One More?

We are doing well in Miracle House. Dogs everywhere and always room for one more! It is so nice not being married and I can do what I want. Yesterday things worked out very well in my van, now christened the Dogmobile. We all went to town and I convinced Jiggs he would be happier with his own seat-the second back seat and he liked it! That gives Keeper the old girl her usual seat all to herself and she prefers that. As the matriarch around here she deserves and gets special attention regardless of paying boarders. We had a nice walk down at the dog walk part of Kaslo with Jiggs only on leash to cross the road and the other two on leashes.
Keeper can't hear for recall and Teko doesn't listen so they don't get a lot of off-leash time. Back in town I saw my friend Jill was at Teresa’s so decided I would have yet another coffee and a peanut butter cookie-they are so good! Then just when I wanted to leave there was a kerfuffle on front street. A Pomeranian took it upon herself to go up and down the street getting all the dogs in cars barking like crazy!! What to do? I am not working this week and its so hard to walk away and do nothing. Finally it crossed the street to the guys sitting out front of Teresa's and I motioned for one of the guys to grab it. He did and I went for a leash. (Always room for one more right?) Luckily I was pretty sure who owned this dog and knew I probably could contact the owner easily. I drove up the alley and stopped at the hotel as I always forget this woman’s difficult name. The receptionist knew who I meant and phoned the owner right away. So nice of her. By the time I got home the owner was already phoning me and she came over right away to get the dog. With the other three dogs in the house I decided to take the sandbags out of the back of the van to give Maddy more room as she will have to ride back there while she is here. Well no small feat for me these days as I have become so damn weak I can't carry them and bad back etc. I slid one to the basement on a tarp and was getting my recycled piece of a walker out to try and use it for the others when the Pom owner arrived and I asked her if she could pack them for me. And she did! Great done deal! She also said she had a big bag of dog food her dogs wouldn’t eat and she would drop it by one day. Great and getting better every moment. Its true what goes around comes around. Now if I can just get Maddies owner to pound that metal post in for me today.....So frustrating to get old and hopeless when there was a time I was fencing with cull ties! Oh well God grant me the serenity to accept that which I cannot change and the smarts to find another way! The whole problem with the post is I can climb the ladder or pick up the pounder -at least not both at the same time. No more muscles like I once had. Yesterday I thought maybe if I tied a rope to the pounder I could pull it up after I get on the ladder? We'll see.
We also settled sleeping arrangements last night. Jiggs is a very peopleized dog and almost like Velcro. He simply needs to have that human contact and not the kind of dog that should ever be put in a kennel arrangement. So he now sleeps right beside the bed and if I have to get up in a hurry I am going to break my neck! But when he is down he is down for the night and that works better for Keeper to be wondering in and out all night. Teko also stays put and as long as I don't have to pee in the night it works great. Maddie will sleep in the porch when she comes and Max has a crate so it should be all good??? Just so long as the rest of Kaslo keeps their dogs at home I should be okay but I know I can't count on that at all. But there is still the big dog crate in the porch if necessary and more crates downstairs. It will work out and for the moment its “All Good”! Life goes on well in the dog lane at Miracle House!

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