Another Morning in the Dog House! How many dogs can get out the door first thing at once?? Today’s answer is four if they are various sizes because Maddie went home. Yes she went home with her owners and I am sure Jiggs may miss her as she was an admirable running buddy. Maddie returned home defeated as she never did catch Max, but she tried hard. My dog pack is falling apart as Jiggs is to return home today. I would be foolish to say things will be quiet with JUST my dogs and Max. max is like five dogs himself!
Loading the dogs in the morning became easier but unloading taxed my skills with all dogs wanting :out, Out, OUT!!! RIGHT AWAY!! As I fumbled with leashes they got even more hyper and yesterday just when I thought I had it all organised and everyone out I heard an awful sound. It wasn't a holler or a scream more like a dying gurgle! I had stepped on Teko. Now at the best of times he doesn't sound real doglike. He may have asthma or something and someone once dubbed him “The dog with the funny voice”. When I mentioned that to Bea she said chihuahuas often had breathing problems. Anyway it took me a second to comprehend what the noise was and he was already over it and on his way to keep up with the others so no harm done??? I have discovered Teko is losing his hearing as well but the old clapping of the hands still works and he does watch me all the time so not much chance of losing him unless I am totally unobservant. Still a bit of ID is in order I think. It can happen and a lost dog is a heart-rending experience.
Anyway I think Maddie had a great holiday and Jiggs is happy to be back in the house with me and the old girl and the little-uns. Everyone out for first pee at 5:30 when Max started whining. He is so good in his crate I cannot stop myself from getting up and often Keeper needs to go at 5:00 so what the hell? I just hope I am not starting something for his owner by getting up that early. Oh well they have to take the good with the bad.(and hope there is no ugly?)
This is my first experience with a jack russell for this long. Although I am under the impression that I am getting some training in so is he! Man are they fast!! I can see how he gets away from his owner and I would have a small leash on him in house all the time. He can go in and out a door four times before I get old Keeper in. I only hope he doesn't get slammed in the door one of these days but it would serve his own right if he does. I wonder if they slow down at all as they age? I have a feeling the answer is “Not Much!” Max can gobble gooseshit faster than I see it but at least now I have him on leash he is disciplined for it. I just may be getting through. It obviously does not agree with him as he has been upchucking a bit but there you go-just like having a baby. I have often said when you get a dog you get the bark the bite and the crap but will now add puke to that. They all seem to go out and graze on the lawn and then come in so they can upchuck on the carpet. Way to go guys! Luckily I purchased a bottle of resolve for that problem. Also we got through a whole day with no crap on the carpet from Max yesterday so must be doing something right? Of course that first day I didn't have him out as much. He knows it is bad but I actually think he is too busy to take the time to do it outside if too many things are happening. And believe me if something is happening a Jack Russell will “be there in a big way! ”These little dogs are exhausting to even watch never mind try and train. I guess I like a challenge because it certainly isn't a requirement of a dog sitter to train as well but I just can't stop myself. Max didn't have as much work on the leash yesterday as I went to a computer course. Yep I left the whole works and took the morning to myself, AND they all did just fine!! Thank goodness neither of the yard dogs seem to bark for nothing although Maddie will for attention to play with her.(Besides which, my neighbour gave the class) Max is receiving a few lessons from the other dogs. Teko will NOT tolerate any rough-housing and lets Max know with some very rough asthmatic noises. Keeper too will tell him off for even getting in her “SPACE”- something she doesn't even tolerate from the cat! Its funny to watch them check her out very carefully when she is sleeping. I thought Max was going for the cat but then when I watched saw he had talked Mr.Peaches in to playing tag. What a crew! But its all good and Max now has some respect for his elders.
Of course this only works because most of the dogs are well-balanced and have loving owners. What a variety of breeds and ages though. Keeper at nearly 18 and Teko at about 12? Jiggs at maybe 10 and then Max at almost a year. Maddie had just turned one year old.
And me at 65. Well I think I am weakening so its a good thing the numbers are depleting. Too tired for supper last night and looking for my bed by 8:30. A ridiculous hour to go to bed and I knew I would be wide awake far too early so held out for awhile until at least 9:30 but BOY do I sleep good! I may have even lost a pound or two with all this walking. But I don't think I would want to have six dogs all at once. For one thing there would be no separate space in the dogmobile! But its been a learning experience for me as well. Who would have thought a jack russell puppy would “crate” in a cat carrying cage? Works extremely well, and the cage fits right between the two seats. I would pat myself on the back even more but I only used it because it was in the van at the time and Max was not about to be still loose in the vehicle. And if I hadn't taken this on I would never have known how many dogs can get out the door at once and not do a “three Stooges”. Its all good and lots of fun and more than a few laughs. Looking forward to another busy Dog Day. And I still have an hour to myself before it is “feeding time for the beasts!”
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