Well I didn't either but decided I would come up with some ideas anyway-someone had to do something although I knew the choice was mine to get involved or not. But I could not simply walk away and do nothing. The poor beast was beyond recovery and I only hoped it was not diseased and spreading something to all other animals. The Ravens came in to scavenge and I tried to put a laundry basket over the poor animal but it “woke” up a bit quicker than I thought it would. A bite from an already sick raccoon could end up being infected for sure and so I backed off but kept an eye on it as I had coffee with my neighbour.
I put several phone calls out trying to get some help for this poor animal but to no avail. The Conservation people promised to phone me back but that call did not come until the following day. In the meantime I carried my battery phone with me everywhere I went. It turned out the Officer was only up the lake but cell service does not extend that far. The vet was away and the RCMP informed me they could not simply shoot the raccoon. So then what? The poor animal suffers until it dies? I am well aware that letting “Nature take its course” is a rough road at the best. I know about survival of the fittest as well but this time I wanted to help somehow.
Our present gun laws prevent most people from taking action in the old way when the locals simply dealt with these things. In short it makes criminals of the good guys. I could have solved this problem very easily myself-in the old days. But now I live in town and what to do?
In the meantime the poor coon got too hot in the sunshine and managed to get to the creek for a drink. Now I felt my hand was being forced and didn't want it to drown either as the creek is up at this time of year and it was so wobbly and unstable. So armed with my small catch-pole I proceeded to try and capture the coon. I soon found out my agility has gone elsewhere and luckily the other neighbour two doors away came to help. She is a tough lady and one to have at your back for sure. For me to do it on my own would have meant getting in the creek and I had new shoes on that were expensive-still I would have done it. As we dragged the small beast out of the creek it flipped on its back and showed a large and infected hole in its belly. It definitely was not going to get better. We put it in a dog crate and I took it to a shady spot to await its fate-hopefully a kinder one than waiting in agony for a natural death.

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