But we all got hurt every so often, it was a rough work dealing with one thousand pound adversaries. My first injury came when I joined a lesson Mary was giving to the twins. There were a few small jumps set up and I was riding Wavy in a Western saddle. Trust me, there is a reason English jumping saddles do not have horns on them! As I went over a jump Wavy took to bucking and the horn on my saddle slammed into the palm of my right hand and popped a bone in there. It hurt like crazy but later in the house Pops grabbed my hand unceremoniously and pummelled it until I thought I was going to faint and declared I had not broken it. The next day I went to hospital for exrays where again I was told there was no break but on a later Xray by a doctor he assured me I had so broken a bone. By that time it was healed ,but to this day I have a hard bump on the back of my hand.
Around that same time, I was guiding a group of children and counsellors from a camp called Y-tic. The kids wanted to "run" and against my better judgement I agreed. We were nicely loping along when BANG! my horse Easter went down like she'd been shot! She had stepped in a gopher hole and was now on her side and laying on my leg as well. I lay there with many thoughts racing through my head. Had she broken her leg? Had she broken MY leg? How was I going to get out of this one? A few moment later Easter took things in hand and very carefully got up and shook herself. I got up much more clumsily by hanging onto a stirrup. Some of the children were still with me but not a counsellor in sight-not even the one that had ridden by me as I lay there casually asking if I was OK. Sure I was, I was just doing a "trick" for the kids you fool! I looked at the house, making a wish to be anywhere but where I actually was and then finding the horse was okay and I was moving still, I mounted with difficulty to get these kids back home. There was still a job to be done after all.
The next calamity I had with Easter was again about the same time. One does not ride well with a variety of small injuries. I had taken Easter out bareback to assist some riders and returning home, found Jay beside me on Sheba. We loped side by side, thinking we were in control, but Easter had "Race!" in her mind. I told Jay to pull up to nip the race in its bud. He replied "I can't" and off I thundered past him. I could not use both hands to pull the horse in and we were headed straight for a three bar gate! I prepared myself to jump it bareback but Easter at the last minute decided to change direction and go through the partially open gate. She misjudged and hit the gatepost squarely with her chest. I did a somersault over her

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