Twin Bridges was a place of many "firsts" for me and it was then I took part in my very first Gymkhana. As opposed to a proper horse show where quiet good horsemanship wins the prize, Gymkhana evolved from teaching mounted troops to ride well, fast and crazy I felt. In any case it certainly looked like fun and I wanted to take part.
Pops had a stocky rope horse named Big Goldie. This horse had "done it all" when Pops was still riding and to get me started Pops took me out in a field on Big Goldie and instructed me. I believe we were practising pole-bending.

Eight poles are set up a certain distance apart and a rider is required to weave through them, turn quickly on the last pole and return weaving again. The thing that Pops had neglected to tell me was Big Goldie loved games and had a "start' that was unbelievable. Thinking one should lean forward for more speed, (incorrect at the best of times) I did this. As the horse lunged powerfully ahead and I straightened up I found my shirt torn right up beside the snaps! We had to call time out for me to change into something a little less breezy. Big Goldie had gotten my respect for power for sure! This was not simply "sitting" on a horse but hard riding! I practised for some time and particularly liked the Stake Race, where a rider starts on a line between two stakes and on the signal, jumps the line and pivots right, then turns around one stake, then races to the next and turning around that one races hell-bent-for-leather to the finish line. It was important to pivot to the right upon jumping the centre line.

Excitement grew as the twins joined in practice sessions and we all made plans to attend the Gymkhana at Beaupre. I don't believe Beaupre was even a place anymore but the Ghost River Pony Club sponsored an event out on the prairie wool (natural prairie grass) every year. We soon had our mounts sorted out and I decided in the end to ride my own horse Duke. Mr.Bear rode Big Goldie and Tuny Runt (girl twin) rode her pony. I found the whole day a most exciting adventure. However, when we lined up for the Stake Race, and the announcer told us to turn towards the mountains (thereby helping little kids be right) I turned away from the mountains and was disqualified. I couldn't believe I had done that but first show jitters and just the hype of the day blew my chance away.

I did in the end come home with a small horseshoe trophy that is still an all time favourite of mine. It says simply " Ghost River Beaupre Pony Club" 3rd, 1971. I am not even sure if the was an overall trophy or for an individual event. I do know on the bottom I have written "First Trophy With Duke!" It sounds like I was looking forward to more, if I ever got it together. The club must have done well for finances to supply a trophy or third place and I have not seen that again, but my trophy is still very special to me 41 years later!
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