At times the house at the farm was inundated with kittens.There were usually two or three female Siamese cats producing litters of adorable kittens. One day the stud cat- Father Rat-disappeared. If anyone knows Siamese cats, they will be aware that it is almost impossible to live with a female Siamese cat that is in heat!The noise is appalling! We soon knew we needed to get something done about a new male in their lives. Mary heard an ad on the radio about a male cat needing a home. This cat had taken up residence with some holiday people and now it was time for the people to return home sans cat! We phoned and were delighted to pick up a nice looking male. Shortly after that Pops made an inspection and discovered the cat had been fixed, so he would be of no help to the
females at all. We named the neutered cat Charlie and he liked to be with me in my room where it was a bit more quiet than in the main rooms. I became very attached to Charlie and cared for him big time!

Eventually another male was found and the kitten production continued. Before we knew it, there were three litters of kittens in various parts of the house. Mr.Bear (the boy twin) got up one morning and announced that "Stranger" had birthed her kittens. Then he added there were two girls and three boys. Sexing kittens as newborns is not an easy task, and we suspected Mr.Bear did not KNOW at all. We asked him how he knew there were two girls and three boys. He replied"Cause I looked!". When asked WHERE he had looked he glanced at us in disgust and said "I looked in the closet!". We then gave up in defeat. Once the three litters of kittens were old enough they became a real pain indeed. Kittens were everywhere and you could barley walk around the house. Then Mary would place and ad in the paper for ten dollar kittens unregistered and in one day all kittens would be gone again. This was how the cats paid their way and I must say Mary's philosophy of having purebred animals and letting them breed and then selling the offspring usually worked very well.
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