Dog Catcher

Dog Catcher

Thursday, 27 December 2012

The Reddings at Christmas

 The Redding Brothers had a very good Christmas. They received a nice little red stocking with money in it for me to buy food as well as two new stuffed mice! They had already found the mice left over from Mr.Peaches' Christmas last year but they thought it was great to get two new ones as well. But their best plaything turned out to be the bag Gramma had sent all the presents in! I knew they would find it fun so left it on the floor and they took turns going inside and sometimes jumping on the one that was inside. The bag ended up split(for easy entry and exits?) A second split in it rendered it rather useless as it doesn't stay open any longer to entice young cats to explore. Otis managed to pedal it right across the floor into the middle of the room at one point. What a guy! Unlike Mr.Peaches, I found these cats are not overly friendly with company. All they want to do is sniff other people all over – getting the full story through their noses. Then they come over to me to use me as a bed or stomping post. I'm sure Addie would have loved a cuddle and even called to Opus, who in turn looked at her as much to say “Cats don't do come!” Both boys were fascinated by the fire in the fireplace and looked with interest at sparks and hot ash going up the chimney! They spend more time than people “watching the fire”.Once I removed the turkey from the oven I just didn't trust them so a few bits of “Temptations” lured them into the playpen and we ate in peace sans cats! Keeper thought she would sit and drool while we ate and I was amazed that I could send her out. She is almost blind and cannot hear so communication is difficult at best, but I managed to get through to hear with what little sight she has left. Watching her walk outside I realize she is really having a hard time and she puts her paws out to feel her way in much the same way a person would use their hands. When the snow gets too deep I will have to shovel her a place but being so independent I bet she still tries the deep stuff and I think I may have to keep my boots by the back door and may be wading out to get her a few times. She has always been such a clever collie that I find it frustrating to see how aging is slowing her down and in any case I think she has developed dogzheimers and acts very strange at times.
The Reddings spent a lot of time in their playpen/porch while Daisy was with us. The little beggars decided to stalk her and the poor dog was beside herself trying to be good as she knows she is not to harm them. She is a very alert dog and the cat antics often startled her. One day during a quick “Redding Romp” they managed to tip over the rocking chair onto poor Keeper who was sleeping behind it. Poor old dog had no idea what hit her but was okay. Daisy simply left the room for the kitchen and once again those boy cats were put out. I must say Daisy was very well-mannered during her stay here but even so had a couple of minute-adventures. Stuff happens. One morning after a snow I let her out and she saw the neighbor shoveling and went over to see him. I called her but she did not return and in a blink their daughters dog came barreling down from the house and attacked poor Daisy and rolled her down the hill. It happened so quickly Daisy had little time to protect herself and was hollering like a stuck pig. The neighbor finally (these things seem like they are hours not seconds) put a shovel between them and the other dog went back to the house. I examined Daisy as best I could and there didn't seem to be any damage but she has such a thick coat its hard to tell-but that's probably what saved her from any bites?
The day she was supposed to go home, Jiggs arrived and when he walked in had his stubby tail straight up and I wondered at that. All seemed to be okay but he was certainly not overly friendly to Daisy’s advances so I made a mental note to watch them. However I closed the door when I went to the bathroom and suddenly those two were at it! Luckily just my voice made them quit and Jiggs was put out back. I had a date for lunch and dislike leaving my boarders in the house so I took them with me. I put Daisy in the back boot and Jiggs on the back seat and went for lunch confident that they could not have another scrap. Soon after that the boys came for Daisy and all was quiet again.
Funnily Jiggs turned the tables on the cats by bugging them! He decided they needed a good wash. Otis of course was not having any of that and put out his claws but Opus being the more mellow of the two tried just walking away when he had enough but Jiggs just followed him, so out the cats went yet again! Jiggs went home on Monday and there have just been the five of us since.
This petsitting has made a big difference to my life and taken a lot of the worry out of it. Now when I have an unexpected bill like an inspection of the fireplace or an element for my stove, I seem to have the cash! Daisy’s owners were very generous in their payment and added some extra for “Christmas”. So very nice of them and another owner sent a little something in a card as well and boy does this all feel good! My cup certainly runneth over these days and the bounty I received this Christmas was most astounding and humbling as well. I just feel so good! An even loved!! WOW! I can hardly wait for another year to begin and that is a big change in my previous attitude I tell you! Happy New Year everyone!!

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