Dog Catcher

Dog Catcher

Saturday, 22 December 2012

Dog-Chasing Cats

 Dog-chasing cats. Well I did know that happened alright, because I had an orange female cat named Minou that would chase dogs off the farm. One time she even jumped on a poor yellow Lab named Joe and rode him down the pasture. She absolutely terrorized the poor guy!
Poor Daisy had been here for nine days and for most of those days the Redding Brothers have been put in their playpen. Some time ago they took to trying to cuddle and sleep with the dogs. Needless to say dogs like their own “space” and did not take to any cat cuddling. After Teko found a cat sleeping in his basket, he has taken to going after the cats if they even come near his baskets now. He has three so its a full-time occupation for him and keeps him in shape if nothing else. I try not to interfere in these in-house problems and figure they have to work it out themselves. But Daisy is a paying guest here and deserves top treatment. She is a large collie and has been very good about the cats although she gets upset when the “Redding Romp” takes place in the house. She really does not know what to make of that and thinks they are after her! Yesterday the romp tipped over the upholstered rocking chair right on poor Keeper! She yelped and had no clue what had hit her and Daisy left the room entirely. Once again it was time for the porch/playpen for the Reddings. I must say other than that Daisy has settled in very well and of course she has been here a few times before. She loves to go in the Van for rides and once it snowed I discovered she quite likes that white stuff. I imagine the boys in her family have played with her in it and she is content to lay in it and not want to come in again! She also liked to be thrown snowballs and that of course is a game I used to play with Chance as well. For the most part she has enjoyed her stay although I know she misses her people. They are coming home today or at least that was what they planned on. Who knows with the snowy roads. So I haven't told her yet but she is uncanny in knowing when they are coming so she will likely tell me? I have to say the cats never really chased Daisy they just kind of followed her every where she went and she simply could not escape them. So once again I am most grateful to have that porch and it hasn't been really cold so the porch was a nice alternative to get them away from Daisy and that worked very well.
The Reddings have had my tiny tree down three times already so I have not decorated it and the lights were already on it. I will hang my favorite things on the mirror with suction cups and they will be safe there and the house will still look Christmasy.We all have to adapt to things. At least presents have come in the mail and complete the tree and the look of Christmas. For the most part we are a contented group here and want to wish all our Friends and Clients and Acquaintances a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS from Miracle House/Joyce and the Furries. HAVE A GREAT ONE!!

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