Dog Catcher

Dog Catcher

Monday, 24 September 2012


This morning as I was on my computer, I was surrounded by sleeping dogs.  Teko to my right and Daisy behind me and Keeper and Roxie on my left.  I have just destroyed that peaceful time by feeding them all. Now I have to guard leftover breakfasts.  The girls(Keeper and Roxie& Daisy) are picky eaters and don't eat up right away.  that leaves the way clear for one small chihuahua to glean what he can.  Roxie wouldn't mind eating keepers food either although I know hers is much more expensive. However it doesn't have real chicken on it, which of course makes all the difference.  I have "caught" the two small dogs at different times in Keepers food and they nearly jumped out of their hides-but still they go back and try again.  Not a big deal and certainly something I can keep on top of.  although Roxie looks like Hope that is about all. I can trust Hope to stay in the van whereas Roxie will hop out for any reason as soon as the door is open. I have had to change my habits and make sure the windows are closed and that she can't beat me out the door. she also does not come all that well to her name.  Guess she doesn't have to as is usually on a leash..  She does pull even though she uses a collar and not a harness so am thinking of the small training collar for her on the next walk.
  I really dislike a dog pulling on a leash as you go for a walk.  It all so unnecessary because with just a little training it doesn't have to be that way.  I even hate to see someone else being yarded around.  So silly.
  But my real pet peeve is people that do not spay and neuter their pets.  Why would you not?  Because the male dogs  do not get stuck with the puppies many people believe they do no need to be neutered. Not so! These dogs at a later age will be prone not only to testicular cancer but also prostate problems.  And in between they can easily become big-time tramps in their quest for a female in heat.  Then there is the fighting.  Dogs that are neutered are well aware of intact males and will often promote a fight.  Who knows why and then when you have two intact males you could easily be in the middle of a big time dog fight.  Do you really want that?  The other thing is this should be done at an early age,  if you wait too long it won't do much good. The cost of "fixing" your animals is all part of responsible ownership.  Along with proper training-this should start as soon as you get your dog.  I have always maintained that you get the bark,the bite the poop and the responsibility of properly caring for your pet.
   I have been very fortunate with the pets I have cared for this year.  I tell you a balanced dog is a pleasure to have around.  If the owners are lazy and haven't asked for good manners and training it certainly shows! A secure dog is usually an adaptable one.  They walk in  here and get along with others and accept me as the head dog master and listen to me.  They also don't seem to have separation anxiety.  Sometimes we have to work on "Quiet in the Dogmobile" if their owners have allowed them to bark incessantly but for the most part , I am really enjoying having dogs that are quiet in the vehicle.  Of course there is a "time" to bark but mostly they don't need to and certainly our neighbours should not have to listen to it or people walking by your car. If everyone spent a bit of time with their dogs at an early age life would be easier and happier for all people and all dogs too!  Oh well in a perfect life huh?  Have a great say with your dog today.

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