Dog Catcher

Dog Catcher

Friday, 21 September 2012

Hope Really Does Return

Well I don't know what happened to my story from before but now Hope has actually been by for another night and a day.  I cannot believe how much fun it is to have her here and how much I enjoy her.  she seems to bring her own little "Aura". But then when she leaves she takes it with her and I miss it. Of course you have to realise I am living with two hard of hearing dogs that can't see very well either.(Joyce's home for geriatric dogs?)  But Hope is just so damn clever its hard to believe.  Not for her to follow me everywhere like Teko does.  She figures out the schedule and acts accordingly. No need for her to get up in the night just because I have to.  She also knows mostly I only get off the couch to go to the kitchen and I will be back so again no need for her to follow as she knows I know the way.  Although I am an early riser, Hope sees no reason why she should change and although I was up at 5:00 a.m. she didn't roll out of bed until 9:00!  In the three days Hope was here I only heard her bark once and that was when she had a piece of chicken and Teko thought he would take it away from her.  Although she is a terrier mix she is NOT a yappy dog at all.. I like that and she is not demanding either, she is like Keeper used to be and looks at you to "ask" first which I really like in a dog.  If nothing else, Hope is a real "lady" and acts accordingly. I enjoy her so much I sometimes think I should be paying her Mom to have her here!  She comes with assorted meats and veggies, and it is really a good deal for me to have her here. She is more than welcome any time.  I disliked the harness she had to wear and had some fun getting it on properly so this time Hope brought her tiny training collar I gave her and that worked very well. I take all three dogs in my left hand(as it correct) and it works very well indeed.  Of course no one is heeling correctly but we are well past being a disciplinarian these days and it doesn't matter any more. Its about all Keeper and I can do to make our short little route so what the hell.  But Teko and Hope enjoy the walk and are out front all the way but not pulling which I really dislike. Of course I maintain that a harness is just for that-PULLING! So I was glad to get the collar back. Apparently Hope's Mom found a nice little collar like Teko wears for Hope so matters should improve. Up until now Hope could slip her collar as easy as look at you.
  I don't believe Hope's mixed breeding is what makes her so smart and well-behaved, I just  think she is just clever and a dog in a million.  She is actually a pleasure to have around.  She is a friendly little dog and while she was here for the three days, she often took to running up to see Laura from next door.  Just a little visit and no demands and away she went again. It takes he no time at all to figure out the schedule of things.
  One small problem with Hope is she doesn't eat dog food-she eats people food-including veggies! But she often comes with prepared meals or else stuff I can prepare and share with her.  This last time she and I have hit it on the money and she ate the very night she came.  She is capable of not eating for several meals until she feels at home but now she must feel at home right away which is nice.Hope is not a little glutton about her food and I doubt she will ever be overweight which of course is a good thing and she will live longer because of that.  Anyway I really love this little dog and everyone should have at least one like her in a lifetime. She is just GREAT!

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