Dog Catcher

Sunday, 30 September 2012
The Reddings Really Arrive!
Last night, after Roxie left, I was finally free to open the door to the house and let the Redding Brothers in. It didn't take long for them to start exploring the house. they were ready! Saturday had shown a big change in Opie and he could not stand being by himself behind the dog crate any longer. He was out of there a lot and even let Gramma hold him(Kay J). She and I sat for awhile each with an orange cat that loved the petting and both purred happily. Such a lovely sound and one I have missed. I have to step quickly when letting the dogs out the back but I think I can do it. I always remember cats usually stop to check out a situation, so if they do get out you have a few seconds to get them again. Otis is a bold bugger similar to Mr.Peaches, so he seems to be the one to watch for doors etc.
I wondered if it was wise to let the Reddings in at night and how much sleep I would get, but it was quite wonderful. although they came and went throughout the night it was great to hear them purr and get nice cat cuddles. Opie is quite a lovey guy event though he was shy at first.
I am well aware of the mischief two young cats can get into but so far have seen little sign of badnesses. One small vase tipped over but the water missed my papers so that's ok. I had only just begun to try and have flowers again.. The hairball or whatever that was on my bedspread was also a bit of reality, but so far I am just happy to have them around. They do liven up a household for sure.
At the moment they are chasing each other through out the house and having a great old time. I am glad I got them both as they are something like twins. Where one is the other is sure to follow. Its been awhile since I had more than one cat at the same time and I get a kick out of how they line up for the litter box. Usually Otis is inside the hut like affair and Opie is outside waiting his turn. I had left the hutch off the litter box the first night and had kitty litter almost right across the whole porch , so I wasn't long in getting the top put on again. I have just arranged their food inside and can see why Otis is larger-he eats more whereas Opie doesn;t seem to be quite the glutton. Oh well will just make sure food is always available to make sure Opie gets enough to eat. We have lots of cat food thank goodness. A big bag of Iams was turned into the post office by a tourist whose cat wouldn't eat it and that was passed onto me. Then too Aunty Jill came with a "shower" present of kitty litter and two boxes of canned food. Gramma has never been slack in bringing food as well and have canned food leftover from Mr. Peaches. Then too Gramma brings leftover homemade catfood her cat doesn't always finish and we are well away. I am sure the boys will be impressed. It is always wonderful to know as well that if for some reason my health takes me away Aunty will be "Jilly-on-the-spot" to take over care of these boys and the dogs as well. Now that is a friend indeed!
Today the green from the tattoo paste has been all cleaned up from their faces and paws. Also the medicine they are getting is now being licked of my finger by both cats whereas Laurel had said Opie didn't do that. He does now! Otis has had his fill and came to tell me about it on my lap and Opie is taking his turn at chowing down. The dogs are having their snooze and I expect the cats may have a nap as well now.What an interesting life! We can take the good with the bad. Although I am sure many people would be aghast at a hairball in their bed or an aging dog that is incontinent and managed to have a poop that she strung out from the front room clear across almost to the kitchen, I can handle it. The attention and love I receive back make it a good deal for me.
Saturday, 29 September 2012
Orange Cats with Green

I have been assured it it water soluble and wonder how good their tattoos will be with them washing each other? I was instructed to leave the paste alone. However the Redding Brothers can't read so......They have become bolder by the day and I have made many visits to the porch to see them. They have taken over the basket near the door and I came home yesterday to find them both in the basket with their arms wrapped about each other. So cute! And they fill the basket nicely.
Last night I fell asleep on the couch and was awakened by a very large crash! Expecting these cats to be getting into trouble I immediately went to see what had happened. Well I don't think it was their fault but a window had come out and broken. I think it was just old putty letting go and nothing to with the Brothers at all. But it may have scared them out of one of their nine lives.And here I was trying to keep things quiet for them! But I cleaned up the glass and knew I could not get to Opie to see if he was okay but they both are and in the basket again this morning. Roxie is the boarder preventing me from having the Brothers in the house but she goes home tonight I believe and they can come in then. Look out House!
I have at times wondered at my bold move to adopt TWO kitties at once, but it seemed a shame to separate them and I will get twice the cuddles and purrs right? Once again I wonder if I should change my sign from Miracle House to Animal House at it seems more theirs than mine at times. I just get to clean it-Yech! Oh yeah and pay the bills etc. Still what is a home without animals? Its just a house then.I look forward to enjoying my kittens for some time and they will not escape like Mr.Peaches and get eaten by coyotes. And at least they have each other. This is not a safe neighborhood for outside cats at all.And I am confident we can all live happily together and boarders will have to be disciplined.
The collie dog Daisy used to like to chase cats and when she was here once when Mr.peaches was as well I gave her a good tongue lashing and then she wouldn't even look at him. So i got through to her anyway. The cats will learn I am sure like the ones before them did to just go in the bedroom as that is the "safe" place.
Auntie Jill came over to meet the Brothers on Thursday and continues to check on their progress. She is a big time cat person and I think has four?? Two is more than enough for me and we shall all be fine I think.
Monday, 24 September 2012
This morning as I was on my computer, I was surrounded by sleeping dogs. Teko to my right and Daisy behind me and Keeper and Roxie on my left. I have just destroyed that peaceful time by feeding them all. Now I have to guard leftover breakfasts. The girls(Keeper and Roxie& Daisy) are picky eaters and don't eat up right away. that leaves the way clear for one small chihuahua to glean what he can. Roxie wouldn't mind eating keepers food either although I know hers is much more expensive. However it doesn't have real chicken on it, which of course makes all the difference. I have "caught" the two small dogs at different times in Keepers food and they nearly jumped out of their hides-but still they go back and try again. Not a big deal and certainly something I can keep on top of. although Roxie looks like Hope that is about all. I can trust Hope to stay in the van whereas Roxie will hop out for any reason as soon as the door is open. I have had to change my habits and make sure the windows are closed and that she can't beat me out the door. she also does not come all that well to her name. Guess she doesn't have to as is usually on a leash.. She does pull even though she uses a collar and not a harness so am thinking of the small training collar for her on the next walk.
I really dislike a dog pulling on a leash as you go for a walk. It all so unnecessary because with just a little training it doesn't have to be that way. I even hate to see someone else being yarded around. So silly.
But my real pet peeve is people that do not spay and neuter their pets. Why would you not? Because the male dogs do not get stuck with the puppies many people believe they do no need to be neutered. Not so! These dogs at a later age will be prone not only to testicular cancer but also prostate problems. And in between they can easily become big-time tramps in their quest for a female in heat. Then there is the fighting. Dogs that are neutered are well aware of intact males and will often promote a fight. Who knows why and then when you have two intact males you could easily be in the middle of a big time dog fight. Do you really want that? The other thing is this should be done at an early age, if you wait too long it won't do much good. The cost of "fixing" your animals is all part of responsible ownership. Along with proper training-this should start as soon as you get your dog. I have always maintained that you get the bark,the bite the poop and the responsibility of properly caring for your pet.
I have been very fortunate with the pets I have cared for this year. I tell you a balanced dog is a pleasure to have around. If the owners are lazy and haven't asked for good manners and training it certainly shows! A secure dog is usually an adaptable one. They walk in here and get along with others and accept me as the head dog master and listen to me. They also don't seem to have separation anxiety. Sometimes we have to work on "Quiet in the Dogmobile" if their owners have allowed them to bark incessantly but for the most part , I am really enjoying having dogs that are quiet in the vehicle. Of course there is a "time" to bark but mostly they don't need to and certainly our neighbours should not have to listen to it or people walking by your car. If everyone spent a bit of time with their dogs at an early age life would be easier and happier for all people and all dogs too! Oh well in a perfect life huh? Have a great say with your dog today.
I really dislike a dog pulling on a leash as you go for a walk. It all so unnecessary because with just a little training it doesn't have to be that way. I even hate to see someone else being yarded around. So silly.
But my real pet peeve is people that do not spay and neuter their pets. Why would you not? Because the male dogs do not get stuck with the puppies many people believe they do no need to be neutered. Not so! These dogs at a later age will be prone not only to testicular cancer but also prostate problems. And in between they can easily become big-time tramps in their quest for a female in heat. Then there is the fighting. Dogs that are neutered are well aware of intact males and will often promote a fight. Who knows why and then when you have two intact males you could easily be in the middle of a big time dog fight. Do you really want that? The other thing is this should be done at an early age, if you wait too long it won't do much good. The cost of "fixing" your animals is all part of responsible ownership. Along with proper training-this should start as soon as you get your dog. I have always maintained that you get the bark,the bite the poop and the responsibility of properly caring for your pet.
I have been very fortunate with the pets I have cared for this year. I tell you a balanced dog is a pleasure to have around. If the owners are lazy and haven't asked for good manners and training it certainly shows! A secure dog is usually an adaptable one. They walk in here and get along with others and accept me as the head dog master and listen to me. They also don't seem to have separation anxiety. Sometimes we have to work on "Quiet in the Dogmobile" if their owners have allowed them to bark incessantly but for the most part , I am really enjoying having dogs that are quiet in the vehicle. Of course there is a "time" to bark but mostly they don't need to and certainly our neighbours should not have to listen to it or people walking by your car. If everyone spent a bit of time with their dogs at an early age life would be easier and happier for all people and all dogs too! Oh well in a perfect life huh? Have a great say with your dog today.
Friday, 21 September 2012
Hope Really Does Return
Well I don't know what happened to my story from before but now Hope has actually been by for another night and a day. I cannot believe how much fun it is to have her here and how much I enjoy her. she seems to bring her own little "Aura". But then when she leaves she takes it with her and I miss it. Of course you have to realise I am living with two hard of hearing dogs that can't see very well either.(Joyce's home for geriatric dogs?) But Hope is just so damn clever its hard to believe. Not for her to follow me everywhere like Teko does. She figures out the schedule and acts accordingly. No need for her to get up in the night just because I have to. She also knows mostly I only get off the couch to go to the kitchen and I will be back so again no need for her to follow as she knows I know the way. Although I am an early riser, Hope sees no reason why she should change and although I was up at 5:00 a.m. she didn't roll out of bed until 9:00! In the three days Hope was here I only heard her bark once and that was when she had a piece of chicken and Teko thought he would take it away from her. Although she is a terrier mix she is NOT a yappy dog at all.. I like that and she is not demanding either, she is like Keeper used to be and looks at you to "ask" first which I really like in a dog. If nothing else, Hope is a real "lady" and acts accordingly. I enjoy her so much I sometimes think I should be paying her Mom to have her here! She comes with assorted meats and veggies, and it is really a good deal for me to have her here. She is more than welcome any time. I disliked the harness she had to wear and had some fun getting it on properly so this time Hope brought her tiny training collar I gave her and that worked very well. I take all three dogs in my left hand(as it correct) and it works very well indeed. Of course no one is heeling correctly but we are well past being a disciplinarian these days and it doesn't matter any more. Its about all Keeper and I can do to make our short little route so what the hell. But Teko and Hope enjoy the walk and are out front all the way but not pulling which I really dislike. Of course I maintain that a harness is just for that-PULLING! So I was glad to get the collar back. Apparently Hope's Mom found a nice little collar like Teko wears for Hope so matters should improve. Up until now Hope could slip her collar as easy as look at you.
I don't believe Hope's mixed breeding is what makes her so smart and well-behaved, I just think she is just clever and a dog in a million. She is actually a pleasure to have around. She is a friendly little dog and while she was here for the three days, she often took to running up to see Laura from next door. Just a little visit and no demands and away she went again. It takes he no time at all to figure out the schedule of things.
One small problem with Hope is she doesn't eat dog food-she eats people food-including veggies! But she often comes with prepared meals or else stuff I can prepare and share with her. This last time she and I have hit it on the money and she ate the very night she came. She is capable of not eating for several meals until she feels at home but now she must feel at home right away which is nice.Hope is not a little glutton about her food and I doubt she will ever be overweight which of course is a good thing and she will live longer because of that. Anyway I really love this little dog and everyone should have at least one like her in a lifetime. She is just GREAT!
I don't believe Hope's mixed breeding is what makes her so smart and well-behaved, I just think she is just clever and a dog in a million. She is actually a pleasure to have around. She is a friendly little dog and while she was here for the three days, she often took to running up to see Laura from next door. Just a little visit and no demands and away she went again. It takes he no time at all to figure out the schedule of things.
One small problem with Hope is she doesn't eat dog food-she eats people food-including veggies! But she often comes with prepared meals or else stuff I can prepare and share with her. This last time she and I have hit it on the money and she ate the very night she came. She is capable of not eating for several meals until she feels at home but now she must feel at home right away which is nice.Hope is not a little glutton about her food and I doubt she will ever be overweight which of course is a good thing and she will live longer because of that. Anyway I really love this little dog and everyone should have at least one like her in a lifetime. She is just GREAT!
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