Ghost River Ranch and live with the others in what was once the front room. Although the house had once been a show home displayed at the Calgary Stampede, by the time I got there the dogs had almost ruined it. Little lino remained in any of the rooms what with the dogs running about chewing it and peeing on it. the kitchen was even worse with the lino totally gone and down to the wooden flooring. There were seventeen dogs in the house and when you came to the door all of them would run barking to see who had come. It was total bedlam. it sounded like rats coming at you and then the smell would hit you-BIG TIME!
Minky as I said mostly lived in the front room with some of the other "better Quality" dogs. One of these was a wire-haired Dachsy named Josh. Minky and Josh were a team and best buddies for many years. The funny thing about Minky was she would not breed. Showing is all about winning and then making a lot of money on the puppies but Minky would not comply and never had a puppy in her whole life-not even with Josh in constant attendance. Motherhood was not for her so the demand for her puppies was just an empty dream.
I am sure the silky coated little Minky enjoyed going to shows were she was pampered and groomed and treated most royally. Her home place certainly did not hold up to life on the road at all. This all happened man years ago and her breeder/owner has long ago passed on and I wonder if any of the judges or handlers remember this little dog that once knew great fame? There must be a record of her wins somewhere but then its all in the past and who would care now? Her legacy ended with her and the line did not continue. But just maybe once in awhile someone remembers her and thinks of those lovely doe eyes and the little dog that 'showed"herself and preened for the judges, almost winking at them and definitely persuading them to place her well in the standings?? Hats off to Miss Minky and her individuality!
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