This dog came to me when someone found him on the back road. The people were concerned because it was so thin and indeed it was. I had it pegged for a boxer X Hound. he was here for four days and was so exuberant and starved for affection he became a pain in the butt and eventually I could not let my own dogs out with out supervision. My old Keeper dog is now 18 and I tend to protect her as much as possible.
Having put the dog on fb and contacting the SPCA in nelson as well as KAAP I hoped I would have him placed by the weekend when some paying boarders were coming in and I would need my back yard again. Finally I got a phone call from a fellow named Shawn and he said it was his dog and he would pick it up at 1:00. I waited all afternoon but no show. Once again I fed the dog and waited some more. At about 7:00 I went out to mow the lawn and no dog! I thought it strange that after four days the dog would jump the fence as he seemed happy enough in the yard until then. Later I found my chain collar on the front step , so that told me the owner had come for him. That was fine but I could not help but be disappointed in the owner in that he could not even offer me a thank-you or even the decency to ring the bell and let me know he was there for the dog. This guy is a chicken shit for sure and I can only hope he tries a little harder with the dog as he does not deserve this dogs love. On the phone Shawn said he was "going" to take the dog to the vet to find out why he was so thin as he is feeding him lots and that he was also going to have him fixed. Well gonna and doing are two different things sometimes. He also said he would like to give this dog away as his other dog does not get along with it. Maybe the other dog is getting all the food? He also told me this dog is supposed to be a split-nosed pit bull. Upon looking this up on the Internet there is no such breed but there are dogs with a split nose. Whoopdedoo. What this dog needs is a good owner and some vet attention as well. And hopefully a new owner!! Someone who has time to spend with him and do some training as well. The dogs manners are not great and this makes people stay away from him although really is just a big suck. And so ends another saga and even though this was not a happy incident I will continue to give dogs a safe haven while I find their owners for them. They deserve it and this dog was not a "runner" as I first thought but just another dog looking for love. I wish him well and a new owner and a happy life somewhere else! 

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