After what seemed like a long day we entered Slims cabin and were greeted by his female cat. I will never understand what happened next, whether the cat was in heat or??
But Chubby greeted the cat enthusiastically and although he had had his "operation" decided he was once again an "intact" male.(Some things never die huh?) Anyway there the two animals were bouncing on the bed and to all intents and purposes attempting to breed!!! We could only shake our heads and wonder how good the vets were these days. Besides his extra-curricular activities in the cabin with the cat, Slim and I did a lot of riding and Chubby was always up for that and enjoyed himself totally. All too soon our break was over and we had to return to the city and instead of cutting Christmas trees we worked on Slims new cabin and that was way more fun but no money in it. We left feeling rested of body and spirit.
Slim had a cat and your Chubby was a dog right??? and your saying they tried to breed how hilarious that must of been