Dog Catcher

Dog Catcher

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Anonymous No More?

     Well, it would seem Anonymous has left me. It said this a.m. if  I was ticked off then it was gone. No more comments. Now I get to wonder for the rest of my life who it was! Because of the sharpness of comments I am thinking it may be Ken? Am I right? Someone who knows more about computers than I do but that is most of the people out there using them. Someone also who is way more careful than me.
   Anyway I do love my comments so you can come back Anonymous if it was easier to be that way. Its driving me nuts but I am rather nutty at the best of times. And who out here in the real world is actually sane anyway? OK that's all you get, I am off to another story.


  1. Hmmm... In the defense of 'Anonymous', I understand the problem with having to set up accounts to comment, I set mine up so that anyone can comment without signing in and they don't have to write in those crazy letters/numbers! I find that annoying! You might want to do that because it makes it easier for someone to comment. I also set it up so comments are not published until I approve. I have had a few that are pure spam and that might happen to you. You can also just delete any comments you don't like. Nice to have control isn't it?
    I would love it if you linked to my blog.

    1. Hey Sharon I think I have linked to your blog;

  2. You do know that "anonymous' can be used by more than just one individual. Anonymous can be anyone or everyone that pick "Anonymous" from the comment as: drop down menu


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