Dog Catcher

Dog Catcher

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Yukon #2

Hmm. That first post about the Yukon was received with mixed feelings. My traveling companions' daughters wrote on it “You have a nerve!” Obviously they did not appreciate what I wrote so I pulled it off of fb and went back to just writing about dogs again. However! MY friends and readers, clamored for more. Most people think my adventures were funny and I guess looking back they were. Each day I feel less and less upset about them and as one buddy pointed out they are MY stories! And it is how I lived them and perceive them so what the hell? Everything is true believe me! Only slight exaggerations here and there for the humor of things.My previous post was a lead up for more.
After several warnings about my NOT remembering to turn off the lights, said owner of trailer pulled the bulb out!

I could not believe it! Now I had to more or less “feel” my way around my cupboard looking for things. I was some angry and upset too!  BUT in true Libra fashion I said nothing to trailer owner. Daughter B was right behind me when I exclaimed “She pulled the effin bulb!” Later that night around the fire, sans owner, we talked about it a bit and I thought it would be time for me to try and get home again. I could see the writing on the wall and we would not be moving again (and we didn't). I expressed the thought that I could be home and happy! Sitting there in the dust and dirt of the pole yard was not my idea of a fun holiday. Ah, but how to get home? How much money did I have in the bank? Could I fly?  Bus?   I had only one plastic Walmart bag to carry my belongings in and the thought seemed challenging. I had a lot of clothes and things plus a brand new laptop I had thought to use while away. I had only been away for a couple of weeks by this time.  But to say the least I was not a happy camper!
One saving grace was daughter B's liberal sharing of her phone. I had a cell phone a friend gave me but it wouldn't work in the poleyard, only in Whitehorse. I was able to phone home and also a couple of friends that were worried about me and even talked to my brother in Alberta! He was not sympathetic and actually got several laughs out of my dilemma. At this point I must mention that there is a LOT of daylight in the Yukon in June and July AND there was a more than ample solar thingy on the roof of the trailer. It was explained to me that there is no way we would run out of battery! So why pull the bulb? Was this a female “pissing on posts” thing?? If so, I have no time or interest in such shenanigans and thought it was a cheap shot at best. Bro was all into how you have to conserve everything when living in a trailer but I doubt he lives as roughly as we did. But talking to my friends helped immensely!
Meanwhile back at the poleyard, we got busy erecting a little  shower house(tent thing).  Once up, THE PAIL was ensconced in it. Now I must tell you, THE PAIL, was purchased in Walmart as a porta-potty!

It was exactly that..a five gallon pail! But this one had a minature seat to sit on and even a lid! Whoopdedoo! We now had out own private(??) bathroom. Well not so, as it was just behind the trailer. To my credit I did try it out a few times but I was never able to really manage the wiping part! I mean really! I have a bad back, bad knees and crappy shoulders and none of that helped. Travelling partner said it was too far to the outhouse for her but thereafter I made the little walk whenever necessary. There is not much to “running” an outhouse and I KNOW how to manage that! Of course I “heard” about leaving the lid up and the flies etc.on the porta-potty. Give me a break this was nothing short of gross!

I have camped before and if I had my drutheres I prefer my trips with friend Ann that we did with the horses. There was always water and beautiful scenery and it was so wonderful for the soul! There in the pole-yard I felt my soul die a bit each day. It seemed like a jail sentence and a whole month more seemed endless! The next morning with hat in hand, so to speak, I told partner I would like to go home.She seemed shocked and actually did not say a lot, to me at least. Again, at night apparently she told the family and they pointed out the lightbulb incident. In the end my plea was basically ignored and of course she would have to take me to Whitehorse in order to get out! BUT she did lighten up on me a bit and there were not too many other incidents until nearing the end, by which time I had something to shoot for.

Next post sleeping and snoring! ~~~~~

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