Well, Jiggs went home last night and the house immediately seemed super quiet. I had wondered about his hearing, as he didn’t seem to listen all that well outside, but now think it was just “selective” hearing. Our morning ritual seemed to be one of small noises coming from him over and over again. For a time I wondered what it was. Then when I moved of coughed or turned over in bed this “jack-in-the-box” Spaniel head would pop up from the side of the bed. He may as well have talked and said ,“YOU AWAKE?” “OH GOOD,FINALLY!” I had to see the humour in it and what a good way to wake up –laughing at a dog. Then of course it was a dance to the back door and I tell you he just made it to the grass before he was peeing. But he has been drinking an awful lot of water this time and so I know he has to go in the mornings right away. Jiggs has exuberance for life and once you accept that you can get along with him very well. He didn’t get many walks this time due to the fact that I was having problems with my van. However I took the van to a mechanic and got it fixed that day in a couple of hours. Wonderful, as I really hate being without wheels. Apparently some little bearing thing was losing its balls and it’s a wonder I could go anywhere for this long. Of course who knows when it first started.? I am just so relieved to have it fixed so quickly. Even so I got quite a few things done yesterday and got a ride up to the hospital to call Bingo and when I was going to walk home, found my friend Elaine outside in her car and got another ride. Doncha just love small towns???
Although there always seems to be something to do around the house, the two main projects for the next couple of weeks are dunging out the basement for a yard sale and packing for my trip. The latter has been on-going for some time, and my bags in the spare room are filling for sure. Only sixteen more days until departure. In some ways it doesn’t seem like enough time and in others it seems like too much time to wait. I know I will settle down once I get going but getting me to that point could be something else!!
I would of course love to stop and see everyone I know, but that isn’t very practical as we will be pulling a trailer not just cruising around in a car. Yes it’s a holiday but I am not alone and it wouldn’t be prudent nor smart to be looking for places and getting lost pulling a trailer behind us. Well, at least there are no horses in it and that is less worry for me anyway. Now I have to do a little homework and run down some phone numbers of friends. Should I make a sign that says “YUKON OR BUST”?
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