Dog Catcher

Dog Catcher

Thursday, 7 February 2013

One dog lost?

I admit it. Three a.m. Is a nutty hour to be up and about. The time makes things seem to be not what they really are and it is best to just to go to the bathroom and return to bed. But no, I had to check on the dogs. I couldn't find Rocky! How could I lose a boarder dog?? I couldn't possibly hove left him outside, could I have?? Common sense kicked in. 1)Rocky is the fastest pee in the west and wastes little time being out in the back yard to do his business. 2) Rocky will bark when he wants back in. So...where the hell was he? He was not in his usual spot not far from my bedroom door on a carpet by the desk, like he has been for many nights. He was not in his doggy bed across the room or by the door. Oh dear this did not seem good at all. I turned on the light in the dining room and there he was! He had decided to stuff himself in Tekos' basket in the dining room. He overflowed to the point where he certainly did not look comfortable but he was giving sleep a hard go and enjoying it as well. My life seems to be governed by the care and welfare of the dogs(and the Reddings of course, but they are easier at times) In any case it was great to find that all were accounted for. I think I live in fear of losing someone and not being able to find them. At this moment I am once again surrounded by dogs. Teko has reclaimed his basket as Rocky has moved over by the kitchen door behind me. Keeper is on the floor to my left and Maddie is in the porch. A phone call last night informed me that Jiggs will be coming on Friday, not tomorrow. He will definitely add to this mix as he loves to “claim” me as his own but thankfully is not aggressive about it all. Hopefully he and Maddie will play in the yard together.
Loading dogs in the morning, is really something else. Both Maddie and Jiggs know to get into the second back seat of the van, leaving Keeper to stretch out on the first back seat. Teko has taken up the passenger seat. Rocky is left to either share keepers seat or lay on the floor-his choice. All dogs are loaded from the drivers side which makes matters easier for me and my poor back. Teko needs total assistance as his legs are far to short to make the leap and on occasion he has had a bad back as well. Keeper needs back up in case she falls and Rocky needs total assistance as well. Both Jiggs and Maddie are young dogs and just do it! Maddie did a funny the other day when she thought she would come into the front again and as I chastised her for it she spent some moments trying to get her front half back into the second back seat. It should have been on film! But she got it done in the end. I am hoping she and Jiggs will share that seat with no problems and I think I have done it before with them. I leave the back boot with the dog barrier for any strays I may pick up and “it all works out in the end!”I mentioned this maneuver to friend Elaine and she said I should just be glad they aren't children and didn't all need to be strapped into safety seats! Well true enough and I have learned to be grateful about that anyway. No doubt about it, its going to be a busy weekend for me for sure! Stay tuned more to come I am sure!

1 comment:

  1. I am hoping I have the right person and you are the dogcatcher for Kaslo bc if you are my name is Lynn and I lost my baby yesterday could you contact me at Jones Boys I am the service writer there
    I am trying to find your number but found your blog
    I can give you his details 353-2550 thank you


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