Dog Catcher

Dog Catcher

Sunday, 13 January 2013


 Programmed- we all are to a certain extent and Miracle House is no exception. I was thinking this morning how I have become programmed by my animals- especially the Reddings! The bathroom door was something I often left open as I live alone. Then the Redding Brothers arrived and Otis has a penchant for water. The tub is no longer a big deal as I finally got the leaky faucet fixed. The toilet had remained the same and he is right there whenever it is flushed. I have learned to close the lid and keep the seat dry as his puddlings in there left water everywhere. Finally I have taken to closing the door on all four of them(dogs included). When I am in a hurry it takes far too much time to gather up the animals so I can close the door and leave the house.
Now to some extent they too have become programmed. My getting up from the computer for another coffee anywhere near 6 or 7:00 a.m. could result in a feeding so much attention is bestowed upon me and I usually so give up and feed them. It is just easier and then too if they show signs of initiating the Redding Romp upon my poor house, this also prompts me to feed them. They eat in the porch and may not be back in the house until 11:00 when I come back from work. When I am home I let them in earlier thinking they may be cold but so far they are never in a hurry except Otis who really likes warm water from the house as opposed to the water in the porch. Smart cat!
Then again it is me who is programmed to constantly be letting the dogs out. Neither has been big on letting me know they need to go out so I have devised a method of letting them out whenever I am in the kitchen and they have followed me. Some days it seems all I do is tend animals.
A few things have happened of late. Yesterday, foolish Otis was feeling his feed and lept in the air and came down on poor Keepers back! She of course was startled and trying to reach back and get him and fell over into her feed bowl and all hell seemed to break loose in a matter of seconds. Luckily at her age she doesn't hold a grudge and seems to forget all about in no time at all. Not so with Teko! He has never forgiven the cats for sleeping in his baskets and has no intention of sharing any type of food with them at all! Not even when it is Keepers food.(But then dogs don't seem to differentiate between what belongs to who,unless it is a biscuit or bone right in the other dogs paws.)
I recently read of a cat who became the “eyes” for a totally blind dog. This dog was afraid to be anywhere but on the couch and once the cat came could go places again. For some time I have watched Opus rub against Keeper and walk beside her when she tries to walk away. As stated before the “old Girl” is not all that steady on her paws and can be tipped over pretty easily. Keeper becomes most annoyed and eventually tells Opus off and he leaves her be. Now I notice Otis doing the same thing! It would seem Keeper does not want any “seeing-eye cat” to be helping her and indeed seldom seems to want my help either. The only time she accepts my help is when she jumps in the van, I make sure I am right there for an assist and we are getting rather good at it and it saves my back. I am grateful and more than a little astounded to think she is doing this more or less “blind” and simply trusting that the van has not grown overnight and that I have her back so to speak. What a good ole dog! After emerging with talking to myself about if I am being unfair to her by NOT having her put to sleep, I no longer feel guilty and as long as she is not in pain and it is possible for me to care for her, I will. Hopefully her issues with the Redding cats will just serve as a stimulant in her old age and keep things “happening”?
Although I probably shouldn't tell everyone, but I did an awful thing one night last week. I had let the dogs outside and usually they bark when they want back in. I guess I brought Keeper in and Teko was taking his time or not finished yet. I got ready for bed and thought everyone was in and that Teko had fallen asleep his front room basket, as I could hear no snoring. That should have been my first clue! At any other time he would have barked and I would have heard him especially from the bedroom but I heard nothing and later at 3:00 a.m. When keeper was stirring again I got up to let her go out and in came a very indignant long-haired chihuahua! He held a grudge for most of the morning and I wondered if I would ever get him to go out again but he forgot about and went when he had to. He seemed no worse for wear and just goes to prove these little dogs are tougher than we think? I am now more careful with my nightly head count and last night actually dreamt I heard him bark and got up but he was actually sleeping in his bedroom basket like he is supposed to. So maybe these animals act as a stimulant for me as well? He is such a little dog he still surprises me when I am looking for him and he is right behind me. Actually he is usually quite near me, except for when he is totally asleep or when he is outside. Kind of like a velcro dog? Anyway life would be really drab without the Reddings and the Geriatrics!

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