I wonder if people think about what their dogs get up to when they wander? Most of your neighbors would probably prefer that your dogs stay at home. Some dogs their owners say “don't go far-just down the street”>Yeah right to do what? Poop somewhere else most likely, rather than their own yard. Not fair at all people, ….that home owners without dogs have to pick up after yours. Or worse step in it!
There are probably many reasons why a dog doesn't stay home after the owners leave for the day. |They get bored and possibly are not getting near enough exercise. If the dogs have not bonded big time with the owners they may be quick to leave and also if they are not fixed. Male dogs will go a long ways to find a female in heat and so will the female. If they have already been allowed to tramp the neighborhood they will go even farther! I would think the whole point of having a dog is that it is at home......isn't that the whole idea??
Surely people notice when their dogs are not home. In the words of my ex....”Ya gotta be smarter than the dog.”You have to do whatever possible to keep your animals at home
Surely people notice when their dogs are not home. In the words of my ex....”Ya gotta be smarter than the dog.”You have to do whatever possible to keep your animals at home
Many dogs are simply not going to honor the honor system and that’s a fact! This is proven to me nearly every weekend as dogs are turned into me and my phone keeps ringing with more calls. Of course I have asked for it by keeping my S.P.C.A .status in order to help these animals out and get them off the street. Sometimes I even get a nice thank-you and it seems I am appreciated. However, this is not a job and I wonder how long I want to continue to stick my neck out and ruin my weekend? But I do it for the dogs and have certainly wandered away from what I wanted to say.
When your dogs a are “tramping” there are many things that could happen to them. They could get hit by a car or worse cause an accident. How would you feel then? And although people are pretty good around here the dogs then become susceptible to getting rocks thrown at them or being shot or kicked or who knows what?? They aren't at home and cannot be responsible for their actions. Oh sure you figure you have supplied a nice home and they shouldn't leave in the first place?? Not so and you need to carry the “good home” factor up a notch. Dogs are wonderful beings and deserve to be treated as something “special” not just a decoration.
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