Well the last little while I have been upset by people that have happened to cross my path. I have decided I much prefer dogs! They don't talk and its a good thing as it seems talking is what causes a lot of trouble in life. Dogs seldom complain and don't much care if you are rich or poor. they simply want to have their own person and a home and to be fed and cared for. Pretty easy in the long run.
When Teko came to live here in April he was overweight although he had already lost some due to a lot of walks. Well, I couldn't so the long walks but I could watch how much he ate.Even now if given the opportunity he will eat some of Keepers food so I have to guard against that happening and now put her food up where he cannot get it. She has become a picky eater and recently has lost weight as well so I am now feeding her a mix of canned dog food as well as dry and then chicken with it. Teko has eaten Chicken and rice for most of his life, so I have continued with that and added a bit of dry food( instead of rice which I hated making) with it so he has something to crunch and not just soft food. No wonder little dogs need their teeth pulled all the time when they get older. Keeper is now being fed three times a day but smaller amounts and that seems to work well.When she has her "lunch" Teko gets a dog biscuit and that keeps him happier and busy as well.
Last night I was late feeding and they certainly told me about as well with a few dirty looks. When keeper came out she was bleeding on the floor! I had heard her crash against a wall before that and upon inspection found she had ripped an ugly looking mole off just above her eye. I always disliked it and am glad it is gone. She did not bleed for long at all and I just hope it doesn't come back bigger and uglier! Again I suppose along with the loss of weight it is all simply ageing coming down on her and there is no cure for that. I find I am now a dog care-giver. Not much playing is done around here and I miss that. Its so nice when a dog comes to stay that likes to play. Keeper and I did a whole lot of playing in our day and I miss it. She was an avid Frisbee dog and would fetch all day as she considered it her JOB! Because I was always on my way to do something with the horses, starting and ending the day with feeding and much in between. Keeper adapted to getting the Frisbee and then dropping it at my feet as I made my way to the barn. This worked well no matter where we were and I remember walking from the barns at the Nelson Riding grounds to the arena throwing the frizz all the way for her. Sharon Gates commented on the fact that I probably enjoyed it as much as the dog. Maybe so. It was just what we did and I know keeper loved it. A few years ago with fading eyesight and loss of energy we put the Frisbee away and nowadays I don't even bring it out much with other dogs as she would love to still be getting it. I am sure she would agree that growing old Sucks BIG TIME!
These days of course she spends most of her time sleeping and that's okay, she deserves it. I actually tried to sneak out of the house when she was sleeping the other day but no way,before I knew it she was at the door waiting to go with me. Talk about a constant companion! Although lately she doesn't always sleep in the bedroom at night she can sense if I am not in the same room as her and will come and see where I am. The few times I leave her alone I have come home to find her barking. Its what she does when she is outside and wants back in. I am well trained to go to the door as I do not expect my neighbour's to have to put up with my dogs barking. After eighteen years and even if it isn't as much fun as it once was, I am more than ready for another eighteen if we would be granted such a thing.However I have never heard of a dog living to be 36 and would be very elderly myself by then so maybe the ways things are are the ways things should be?? I do know we have had some great times together and just really gotten used to each other, I expect she will be first at the Rainbow Bridge and I will see her again there.
Dog Catcher

Monday, 20 August 2012
Friday, 17 August 2012
Another Old Friend Passes
I went to a Celebration of Life yesterday and was asked to leave! Wow! I wonder how many people have been kicked out of a funeral?? Definitely a first for me and although I had suspected this could happen I was still surprised, and also I guess hurt? Now I am just angry but trying not to let my mind get out of hand. Once again one has to "consider the source" and in this case the "source" was not much of a man in my books. In any event I wanted to share something yesterday and I was prevented from that.
Art Bennett was many things and some of them not so nice but he was certainly always game. In his seventies and eighties, he was still out there on his snowmobile and the only thing that slowed him down from his activities in the end was ill health. He simply could not do all the things he once did. I did housecleaning for Art for a couple of years and got to know him better than I had up to that point in life.
I happen to enjoy writing and Seniors often have some wondrous tales. I once asked Art to tell me some of his stories and I would write them for him.. To my surprise he refused!! I was shocked and asked him why not? His reply was wondrous and I thought was a fit epitaph. He looked me in the eye and said "Because you could never write them as good as they were". What a great thing for someone who passed away at 93 to be able to say! This is what I wanted to share with the people who attended his service yesterday, but instead here I am once again relying on my own blog to say the things I want to. I went to honor an old friend but honor was not what I was met with and so be it. Maybe Art will be able to hear this in some way. It certainly won't be written on his headstone as he has been cremated and I wonder if they will return his ashes to South fork where he was born. Art lived her in the area much longer than most people, only leaving to fight in the War. We now have one less crusty, tough, old miner, living up there on the hill, I hope he rests easy at last.
Art Bennett was many things and some of them not so nice but he was certainly always game. In his seventies and eighties, he was still out there on his snowmobile and the only thing that slowed him down from his activities in the end was ill health. He simply could not do all the things he once did. I did housecleaning for Art for a couple of years and got to know him better than I had up to that point in life.
I happen to enjoy writing and Seniors often have some wondrous tales. I once asked Art to tell me some of his stories and I would write them for him.. To my surprise he refused!! I was shocked and asked him why not? His reply was wondrous and I thought was a fit epitaph. He looked me in the eye and said "Because you could never write them as good as they were". What a great thing for someone who passed away at 93 to be able to say! This is what I wanted to share with the people who attended his service yesterday, but instead here I am once again relying on my own blog to say the things I want to. I went to honor an old friend but honor was not what I was met with and so be it. Maybe Art will be able to hear this in some way. It certainly won't be written on his headstone as he has been cremated and I wonder if they will return his ashes to South fork where he was born. Art lived her in the area much longer than most people, only leaving to fight in the War. We now have one less crusty, tough, old miner, living up there on the hill, I hope he rests easy at last.
Sunday, 12 August 2012
A Quiet Two-Dog Week
Well Actually the title is a lie. I have actually had eleven days with just my own two dogs. Poor old Keeper has been losing weight and so I am feeding her smaller meals but three times a day and chicken on top.She is managing to get them down but regaining weight takes a lot longer and once again I wonder if I am not hearing the 'death-Nell"? I hope against hope that is not yet anyway but at the same time cannot but help to see the "writing on the wall" Especially with the not wanting to eat but now she does and what the hell hope springs eternal and for now we are okay. The other night she woke me when she fell quite heavily when leaving her bed on the floor in the bedroom. How do you fall off the floor? Well she just fell when she went to get up fro a drink or whatever. I have recently heard arthritis in dogs prevents them from having a good nights rest same as us. I imagine she has to change her position after being down sleeping too long? In any case she went down with a clatter and I could hear her continue to try to get up. when I got the light on she was straddled out like a squashed frog with just her hind legs paddling a bit. I lifted her middle up and she managed to regain control of her legs and walked away albeit a bit staggery. Yep definitely getting worse. but other than a few incidents she still seems to be "there" inside a worn out body and is doing the very best she can. I have accommodated her as best I can and wonder if it is enough? She still "looks" for me although it is debatable exactly how much she really "sees". Her hearing was the first thing to go but if I am close enough and clap my hands she hears that even when she is sleeping. Its how we get from point A to B when necessary. I imagine her nose helps her a lot to get around and to find me when she cannot see me. She will go looking for me and when outside and not able to find me she will bark until I come. This works well and I know when she wants to come back in. The two of them have become very much "house" dogs but for most of her life she was outside at the farm. And the house is safe and I think they know it. Keeper has three beds in the house. One by the computer for naps and a main bed in the front room and her night time bed in the bedroom which is an old couch cushion. We have cast envious eyes at the dogs that come with really nice beds but I forgot to look at dog beds when I was in Nelson on Friday so we will make do with what we have. For many years she had he wicker basket and seemed very attached to it but it was hard and as she aged could not have been all that comfortable for her so I changed it for a soft cat bed.Dogs don't really complain so its hard to know what they would like.
Mind you Teko on the other hand is quite clear on what he wants. He has decided he can't jump in his chair any more and is rather adamant that I should pick him up and put him there upon his demand of course. This could become a full-time occupation and not one I am inclined to take on so I simply put a small stool in front of his chair to help him. However his majesty had other ideas and has decided to be too dumb to use it. Gramma came by and spent a few moments covering it with a blanket so it would not be slippery but he is still not so inclined as to use it.He has tried many ploys on me. Everything from whining and then barking to scratching at me with his claws. Now he is into huge sighs and last night laid on two Archie comics with a big huge SIGH. If he could he would probably phone a humane society on me. But he has accepted not sleeping in bed with anyone but alone in his own little bed and he may eventually figure out the stool as well. I allow him to be a real dog now and for the most part he enjoys that and has to do a few things for himself. Its just how it is in this house.
One change I made was to throw out my rug. Keeper had been peeing on it in the night and since then has not been so it was a good choice. Did she think it was grass? Who knows? anyway it seems to have taken care of the pissidents and there has only been one assident since then.(See prior Post about these things)The wooden floor underneath has been damaged and is discoloured but possibly sanding may take that out. I have given it the skunk treatment and no smell anyway so possibly have caught it in time? Its one of those fit together floors and if necessary the squares can be replaced but that would be a more difficult way than sanding. In any case I have done a bit towards more sanitary conditions here and other than that can just clean up as things happen. Again all part of having dogs in the house along with hair etc and paw prints on the floor. Small price to pay for their love and attention. ~~~
Mind you Teko on the other hand is quite clear on what he wants. He has decided he can't jump in his chair any more and is rather adamant that I should pick him up and put him there upon his demand of course. This could become a full-time occupation and not one I am inclined to take on so I simply put a small stool in front of his chair to help him. However his majesty had other ideas and has decided to be too dumb to use it. Gramma came by and spent a few moments covering it with a blanket so it would not be slippery but he is still not so inclined as to use it.He has tried many ploys on me. Everything from whining and then barking to scratching at me with his claws. Now he is into huge sighs and last night laid on two Archie comics with a big huge SIGH. If he could he would probably phone a humane society on me. But he has accepted not sleeping in bed with anyone but alone in his own little bed and he may eventually figure out the stool as well. I allow him to be a real dog now and for the most part he enjoys that and has to do a few things for himself. Its just how it is in this house.
One change I made was to throw out my rug. Keeper had been peeing on it in the night and since then has not been so it was a good choice. Did she think it was grass? Who knows? anyway it seems to have taken care of the pissidents and there has only been one assident since then.(See prior Post about these things)The wooden floor underneath has been damaged and is discoloured but possibly sanding may take that out. I have given it the skunk treatment and no smell anyway so possibly have caught it in time? Its one of those fit together floors and if necessary the squares can be replaced but that would be a more difficult way than sanding. In any case I have done a bit towards more sanitary conditions here and other than that can just clean up as things happen. Again all part of having dogs in the house along with hair etc and paw prints on the floor. Small price to pay for their love and attention. ~~~
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
Monday, 6 August 2012
Jazzfest Weekend Survived
Well I managed to survive Jazz Fest Weekend. My pet sitting business has never been so busy! Some people did book ahead and that made things a bit easier but in the end there were the last minute people of course, There always seems to be room for one more but this time I really wondered if I had not over-extended myself. They were coming in pairs!
the first to arrive was Chester a Labradoodle. I immediately noted that he was intact! The owner assured me he was not a fighter but he might do some marking and he had a belly band he could wear along with a sanitary pad. Unbelievable.! But after three markings about the house I thought maybe I should have used the apparatus. but that was the end of it and after that he was pretty good. Chester was not that large, smaller than a Standard poodle and he spent the weekend in the house with keeper and Teko. He got along well with them and I fed him out in the back yard.
the next to arrive was Ziggy a long haired Shepherd of the old breeding. Her owners explained she had "issues" and I had decided before she arrived to let her have the nice shady back yard to herself for all of Sunday. I also at that time had a Pyrenees and a Burmese arriving at any time. It was a relief to get a call saying they would not arrive until Sat. morning. Ziggy was only here for an hour to acquaint her with the place and she went at a corner of the fence so I put a few more staples in the gatepost. The two big dogs arrived in the morning and spent some time there while their owners were away. Easy dogs to have and all dogs were quiet so that was very good.
Next to arrive(the two big dogs left) were two local dogs. Calli is a Giant Schnauzer, very pretty in black and wavy coat but young and not well trained. She came with her friend Loki who looks to be a collie/golden retriever Cross. Unfortunately she had been skunked! I had both dogs in the back yard but then Ziggy returned as agreed. So the two local dogs were put in the front porch but even with a fan going it looked to be too hot for them so I let them in the house and the two went and slept in the kitchen while I had my afternoon nap. Ziggy seemed much more content this second time to be in the yard and when she left the other two had the back yard to them selves. Calli went home around 6:00 but Loki stayed overnight and is still here this morning. Its very early and she has been howling a mournful cry so I have let her back in the house-skunk smell or not. I was not sure what I was hearing until I was out in the yard myself so hope she didn't disturb the neighbours too badly.
And so it was a busy three days of dogs coming and going and in the end I felt I had kept on top of it. Not too many incidents. Teko tried to be a bit bossy but got over it and this morning actually put Loki at a standstill and she didn't want to come in with him making a stand near the door. He also growled at the doodle on occasion-like when Chester got too close to Tekos' chair. For the most part the three days were uneventful which was fine by me. At one point Calli charged out the door and obviously is not a dog to come when you call. I went after her in my slippers but she thought she would make a game of tag with this. But you have to be smarter than the dog and I pretended to go to my van and she could not resist and thereby was caught again and returned to the house. I think old Keeper stumbled onto Loki at one point in the afternoon and Loki "went for her" but settled down quickly with a harsh word from me. So nice to have communication and she is an older dog and no puppy, so listens well.
Of course I have been "pickin' poop" steady but it hasn't been too bad and have managed to keep on top of it. Teko goes three or four times a morning so am getting used to poop detail. all part of pet sitting. And I must say it was a most profitable weekend. I am grateful to Dr.Pat and also the Visitors Centre for recommending me. its made a big difference. And so the weekend comes to an end and I have today to myself I think once Loki leaves at about ten. Can't complain at all and it was an experience for sure.All is well that ends well and it did!
the first to arrive was Chester a Labradoodle. I immediately noted that he was intact! The owner assured me he was not a fighter but he might do some marking and he had a belly band he could wear along with a sanitary pad. Unbelievable.! But after three markings about the house I thought maybe I should have used the apparatus. but that was the end of it and after that he was pretty good. Chester was not that large, smaller than a Standard poodle and he spent the weekend in the house with keeper and Teko. He got along well with them and I fed him out in the back yard.
the next to arrive was Ziggy a long haired Shepherd of the old breeding. Her owners explained she had "issues" and I had decided before she arrived to let her have the nice shady back yard to herself for all of Sunday. I also at that time had a Pyrenees and a Burmese arriving at any time. It was a relief to get a call saying they would not arrive until Sat. morning. Ziggy was only here for an hour to acquaint her with the place and she went at a corner of the fence so I put a few more staples in the gatepost. The two big dogs arrived in the morning and spent some time there while their owners were away. Easy dogs to have and all dogs were quiet so that was very good.
Next to arrive(the two big dogs left) were two local dogs. Calli is a Giant Schnauzer, very pretty in black and wavy coat but young and not well trained. She came with her friend Loki who looks to be a collie/golden retriever Cross. Unfortunately she had been skunked! I had both dogs in the back yard but then Ziggy returned as agreed. So the two local dogs were put in the front porch but even with a fan going it looked to be too hot for them so I let them in the house and the two went and slept in the kitchen while I had my afternoon nap. Ziggy seemed much more content this second time to be in the yard and when she left the other two had the back yard to them selves. Calli went home around 6:00 but Loki stayed overnight and is still here this morning. Its very early and she has been howling a mournful cry so I have let her back in the house-skunk smell or not. I was not sure what I was hearing until I was out in the yard myself so hope she didn't disturb the neighbours too badly.
And so it was a busy three days of dogs coming and going and in the end I felt I had kept on top of it. Not too many incidents. Teko tried to be a bit bossy but got over it and this morning actually put Loki at a standstill and she didn't want to come in with him making a stand near the door. He also growled at the doodle on occasion-like when Chester got too close to Tekos' chair. For the most part the three days were uneventful which was fine by me. At one point Calli charged out the door and obviously is not a dog to come when you call. I went after her in my slippers but she thought she would make a game of tag with this. But you have to be smarter than the dog and I pretended to go to my van and she could not resist and thereby was caught again and returned to the house. I think old Keeper stumbled onto Loki at one point in the afternoon and Loki "went for her" but settled down quickly with a harsh word from me. So nice to have communication and she is an older dog and no puppy, so listens well.
Of course I have been "pickin' poop" steady but it hasn't been too bad and have managed to keep on top of it. Teko goes three or four times a morning so am getting used to poop detail. all part of pet sitting. And I must say it was a most profitable weekend. I am grateful to Dr.Pat and also the Visitors Centre for recommending me. its made a big difference. And so the weekend comes to an end and I have today to myself I think once Loki leaves at about ten. Can't complain at all and it was an experience for sure.All is well that ends well and it did!
Thursday, 2 August 2012
Minky- One Of A Kind
One of the most beautiful dogs I have ever known, was named Minky. It was back in the days when I worked at the dog farm that I first met this little dog. She had by that time become rather famous in the show circles and indeed had ribbons from all over Canada and the United States. Minky was a fawn coloured long-haired Dachshund. She had doe eyes and knew exactly how to use them on the judges. the handlers often said she "showed herself" and was very good at it. In between shows Minky would return to the
Ghost River Ranch and live with the others in what was once the front room. Although the house had once been a show home displayed at the Calgary Stampede, by the time I got there the dogs had almost ruined it. Little lino remained in any of the rooms what with the dogs running about chewing it and peeing on it. the kitchen was even worse with the lino totally gone and down to the wooden flooring. There were seventeen dogs in the house and when you came to the door all of them would run barking to see who had come. It was total bedlam. it sounded like rats coming at you and then the smell would hit you-BIG TIME!
Minky as I said mostly lived in the front room with some of the other "better Quality" dogs. One of these was a wire-haired Dachsy named Josh. Minky and Josh were a team and best buddies for many years. The funny thing about Minky was she would not breed. Showing is all about winning and then making a lot of money on the puppies but Minky would not comply and never had a puppy in her whole life-not even with Josh in constant attendance. Motherhood was not for her so the demand for her puppies was just an empty dream.
I am sure the silky coated little Minky enjoyed going to shows were she was pampered and groomed and treated most royally. Her home place certainly did not hold up to life on the road at all. This all happened man years ago and her breeder/owner has long ago passed on and I wonder if any of the judges or handlers remember this little dog that once knew great fame? There must be a record of her wins somewhere but then its all in the past and who would care now? Her legacy ended with her and the line did not continue. But just maybe once in awhile someone remembers her and thinks of those lovely doe eyes and the little dog that 'showed"herself and preened for the judges, almost winking at them and definitely persuading them to place her well in the standings?? Hats off to Miss Minky and her individuality!
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Ghost River Ranch and live with the others in what was once the front room. Although the house had once been a show home displayed at the Calgary Stampede, by the time I got there the dogs had almost ruined it. Little lino remained in any of the rooms what with the dogs running about chewing it and peeing on it. the kitchen was even worse with the lino totally gone and down to the wooden flooring. There were seventeen dogs in the house and when you came to the door all of them would run barking to see who had come. It was total bedlam. it sounded like rats coming at you and then the smell would hit you-BIG TIME!
Minky as I said mostly lived in the front room with some of the other "better Quality" dogs. One of these was a wire-haired Dachsy named Josh. Minky and Josh were a team and best buddies for many years. The funny thing about Minky was she would not breed. Showing is all about winning and then making a lot of money on the puppies but Minky would not comply and never had a puppy in her whole life-not even with Josh in constant attendance. Motherhood was not for her so the demand for her puppies was just an empty dream.
I am sure the silky coated little Minky enjoyed going to shows were she was pampered and groomed and treated most royally. Her home place certainly did not hold up to life on the road at all. This all happened man years ago and her breeder/owner has long ago passed on and I wonder if any of the judges or handlers remember this little dog that once knew great fame? There must be a record of her wins somewhere but then its all in the past and who would care now? Her legacy ended with her and the line did not continue. But just maybe once in awhile someone remembers her and thinks of those lovely doe eyes and the little dog that 'showed"herself and preened for the judges, almost winking at them and definitely persuading them to place her well in the standings?? Hats off to Miss Minky and her individuality!
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